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tigris is an R package that allows users to directly download and use TIGER/Line shapefiles ( from the US Census Bureau.

To install the package from CRAN, issue the following command in R:


Or, get the development version from GitHub:


tigris functions return simple features objects with a default year of 2021. To get started, choose a function from the table below and use it with a state and/or county if required. You'll get back an sf object for use in your mapping and spatial analysis projects:


manhattan_roads <- roads("NY", "New York")

ggplot(manhattan_roads) + 
  geom_sf() + 

tigris only returns feature geometries for US Census data which default to the coordinate reference system NAD 1983 (EPSG: 4269). For US Census demographic data (optionally pre-joined to tigris geometries), try the tidycensus package. For help deciding on an appropriate coordinate reference system for your project, take a look at the crsuggest package.

To learn more about how to use tigris, read Chapter 5 of the book Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R.

Python users may also be interested in pygris, a Python port of the tigris package.

Available datasets:

Please note: cartographic boundary files in tigris are not available for 2011 and 2012.

| Function | Datasets available | Years available | |------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|------------------------------| | nation() | cartographic (1:5m; 1:20m) | 2013-2022 | | divisions() | cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 2013-2022 | | regions() | cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 2013-2022 | | states() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 1990, 2000, 2010-2022 | | counties() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 1990, 2000, 2010-2022 | | tracts() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 1990, 2000, 2010-2022 | | block_groups() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 1990, 2000, 2010-2022 | | blocks() | TIGER/Line | 2000, 2010-2022 | | places() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2011-2022 | | pumas() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2012-2022 | | school_districts() | TIGER/Line; cartographic | 2011-2022 | | zctas() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2000, 2010, 2012-2022 | | congressional_districts() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 2011-2022 | | state_legislative_districts() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2011-2022 | | voting_districts() | TIGER/Line | 2012, 2020 | | area_water() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | linear_water() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | coastline | TIGER/Line() | 2013-2022 | | core_based_statistical_areas() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 2011-2022 | | combined_statistical_areas() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k; 1:5m; 1:20m) | 2011-2022 | | metro_divisions() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | new_england() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2011-2022 | | county_subdivisions() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2010-2022 | | urban_areas() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2012-2022 | | primary_roads() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | primary_secondary_roads() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | roads() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | rails() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | native_areas() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2011-2022 | | alaska_native_regional_corporations() | TIGER/Line; cartographic (1:500k) | 2011-2022 | | tribal_block_groups() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | tribal_census_tracts() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | tribal_subdivisions_national() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | landmarks() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 | | military() | TIGER/Line | 2011-2022 |

Try the tigris package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tigris documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.