Man pages for timeordered
Time-Ordered and Time-Aggregated Network Analyses

antsAnt interaction data
applynetworkfunctionApplies a function (typically a descriptive statistic) to...
generatelatenciesGenerates vector-clock latencies for each individual at each...
generatenetworkslicesGenerates multiple time-aggregated networks from a...
generatetimeaggregatednetworkConstructs a weighted time-aggregated network from a...
generatetimedeltasConstructs matrix of sequential time windows suitable for...
generatetimelagsConstructs matrix of increasingly large time windows suitable...
generatetonetworkGenerates a time-ordered network from an interaction list.
generatetonetworkfromvelGenerates a time-ordered network from a data frame listing...
generatevertexedgelistGenerates a data frame listing all directed edges in a...
maxpointsDetermines the maximum value of each row of a matrix; used as...
midpointsDetermines the mean value of each row of a matrix; used as a...
plotnetworkslicesPlots a time-aggregated network
plottanetPlots a time-aggregated network.
plottonetPlots a time-ordered network.
randomize_edges_helperDoes all the work for 'edge_randomization' and...
randomizeidentitiesResamples data based on vertex identity.
randomizetimesResamples data based on event time.
randomly_permuted_timesRandomize temporal networks
rarefySimulates the effect of insufficient sampling by data...
shortesthoppathDetermines a path (shortest by the least number of unique...
shortesttimepathDetermines a path (shortest by the least time) between a...
spreadanalysisSimulates the perfect spread of a resource on a time-ordered...
swapSwaps two elements in a data frame. An internal function.
transformspreadbyindividualA helper function to assess differences in spreading...
timeordered documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 1:06 a.m.