Man pages for timeperiodsR
Simple Definition Of Time Intervals

as_timeperiodConvert date or string vector to timeperiod.
check_dayoffsCheck if the day is an official day off
custom_periodCustopm period
first_weekendGet first weekend day in period.
first_workdayGet first workday day in period.
last_n_daysStart and end of last n days
last_n_monthsStart and end of last n months
last_n_quartersStart and end of last n quarters
last_n_weeksStart and end of last n weeks
last_n_yearsStart and end of last n years
last_weekendGet last weekend day in period.
last_workdayGet last workday day in period.
next_monthStart and end of next month
next_n_daysStart and end of next n days
next_n_monthsStart and end of next n months
next_n_quartersStart and end of next n quarters
next_n_weeksStart and end of next n weeks
next_n_yearsStart and end of next n weeks
next_quarterStart and end of next quarter
next_weekStart and end of next week
next_yearStart and end of next year
operatorsOperators of tpr objects.
previous_monthStart and end of previous month
previous_quarterStart and end of previous quarter
previous_weekStart and end of previous week
previous_yearStart and end of previous year
this_monthStart and end of month
this_quarterStart and end of quarter
this_weekStart and end of week
this_yearStart and end of year
timeperiodsR-packageSimple Definition Of Time Intervals
weekendsGet vector with weekends.
weekends_lengthNumber of weekdends days in the period.
workdaysGet vector with workdays.
workdays_lengthNumber of workdays in the period.
timeperiodsR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:23 p.m.