Man pages for timeplyr
Fast Tidy Tools for Date and Date-Time Manipulation

age_yearsAccurate and efficient age calculation
calendarCreate a table of common time units from a date or datetime...
crossed_joinA '' and 'data.table::CJ()' method
descHelpers to sort variables in ascending or descending order
duplicate_rowsFind duplicate rows
edfGrouped empirical cumulative distribution function applied to...
farrangeA 'collapse' version of 'dplyr::arrange()'
fcountA fast replacement to dplyr::count()
fdistinctFind distinct rows
fexpandFast versions of 'tidyr::expand()' and 'tidyr::complete()'.
fgroup_by'collapse' version of 'dplyr::group_by()'
frowidFast grouped row numbers
fselectFast 'dplyr::select()'/'dplyr::rename()'
fsliceFaster 'dplyr::slice()'
get_time_delayGet summary statistics of time delay
group_collapseKey group information
group_idFast group IDs
growthRolling basic growth
growth_rateFast Growth Rates
interval_utilsTime interval utilities
is_dateUtility functions for checking if date or datetime
iso_weekEfficient, simple and flexible ISO week calculation
is_whole_numberAre all numbers whole numbers?
missing_datesCheck for missing dates between first and last date
q_summariseFast grouped quantile summary
reset_timeplyr_optionsReset 'timeplyr' options
roll_lagFast rolling grouped lags and differences
roll_na_fillFast grouped "locf" 'NA' fill
roll_sumFast by-group rolling functions
scalesAdditional ggplot2 scales
stat_summariseFast grouped statistical summary for data frames.
time_aggregateAggregate time to a higher unit
time_byGroup by a time variable at a higher time unit
time_coreVector date and datetime functions
time_count'time_count' is deprecated
time_cutCut dates and datetimes into regularly spaced date or...
time_diffTime differences by any time unit
time_elapsedFast grouped time elapsed
time_episodesEpisodic calculation of time-since-event data
time_expandA time based extension to 'tidyr::complete()'.
time_gapsGaps in a regular time sequence
time_gcd_diffFast greatest common divisor of time differences
time_ggplotQuick time-series ggplot
time_idTime ID
time_intervalS3-based Time Intervals (Currently very experimental and so...
time_is_regularIs time a regular sequence? (Experimental)
timeplyr-packagetimeplyr: Fast Tidy Tools for Date and Date-Time Manipulation
time_rollFast time-based by-group rolling sum/mean - Currently...
time_seqTime based version of 'base::seq()'
time_seq_idGenerate a unique identifier for a regular time sequence with...
time_unitsTime units
ts_as_tibbleTurn 'ts' into a 'tibble'
unit_guessGuess time unit and extract basic information.
year_monthFast methods for creating year-months and year-quarters
timeplyr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:37 a.m.