growth_rate: Fast Growth Rates

View source: R/growth_rate.R

growth_rateR Documentation

Fast Growth Rates


Calculate the rate of percentage change per unit time.


growth_rate(x, na.rm = FALSE, log = FALSE, inf_fill = NULL)



Numeric vector.


Should missing values be removed when calculating window? Defaults to FALSE. When na.rm = TRUE the size of the rolling windows are adjusted to the number of non-NA values in each window.


If TRUE then growth rates are calculated on the log-scale.


Numeric value to replace Inf values with. Default behaviour is to keep Inf values.


It is assumed that x is a vector of values with a corresponding time index that increases regularly with no gaps or missing values.

The output is to be interpreted as the average percent change per unit time.

For a rolling version that can calculate rates as you move through time, see roll_growth_rate.

For a more generalised method that incorporates time gaps and complex time windows, use time_roll_growth_rate.

The growth rate can also be calculated using the geometric mean of percent changes.

The below identity should always hold:

`tail(roll_growth_rate(x, window = length(x)), 1) == growth_rate(x)`



See Also

roll_growth_rate time_roll_growth_rate



initial_investment <- 100
years <- 1990:2000
# Assume a rate of 8% increase with noise
relative_increases <- 1.08 + rnorm(10, sd = 0.005)

assets <- Reduce(`*`, relative_increases, init = initial_investment, accumulate = TRUE)

# Note that this is approximately 8%

# We can also calculate the growth rate via geometric mean

rel_diff <- exp(diff(log(assets)))
all.equal(rel_diff, relative_increases)

geometric_mean <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, weights = NULL){
  exp(collapse::fmean(log(x), na.rm = na.rm, w = weights))

geometric_mean(rel_diff) == growth_rate(assets)

# Weighted growth rate

w <- c(rnorm(5)^2, rnorm(5)^4)
geometric_mean(rel_diff, weights = w)

# Rolling growth rate over the last n years

# The same but using geometric means
exp(roll_mean(log(c(NA, rel_diff))))

# Rolling growth rate over the last 5 years
roll_growth_rate(assets, window = 5)
roll_growth_rate(assets, window = 5, partial = FALSE)

## Rolling growth rate with gaps in time

years2 <- c(1990, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000)
assets2 <- assets[years %in% years2]

# Below does not incorporate time gaps into growth rate calculation
# But includes helpful warning
time_roll_growth_rate(assets2, window = 5, time = years2)
# Time step allows us to calculate correct rates across time gaps
time_roll_growth_rate(assets2, window = 5, time = years2, time_step = 1) # Time aware

timeplyr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:37 a.m.