time_roll: Fast time-based by-group rolling sum/mean - Currently...

time_roll_sumR Documentation

Fast time-based by-group rolling sum/mean - Currently experimental


time_roll_sum and time_roll_mean are efficient methods for calculating a rolling sum and mean respectively given many groups and with respect to a date or datetime time index.
It is always aligned "right".
time_roll_window splits x into windows based on the index.
time_roll_window_size returns the window sizes for all indices of x.
time_roll_apply is a generic function that applies any function on a rolling basis with respect to a time index.

time_roll_growth_rate can efficiently calculate by-group rolling growth rates with respect to a date/datetime index.


  window = Inf,
  time = seq_along(x),
  weights = NULL,
  g = NULL,
  partial = TRUE,
  close_left_boundary = FALSE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA"),

  window = Inf,
  time = seq_along(x),
  weights = NULL,
  g = NULL,
  partial = TRUE,
  close_left_boundary = FALSE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA"),

  window = Inf,
  time = seq_along(x),
  time_step = NULL,
  g = NULL,
  partial = TRUE,
  close_left_boundary = FALSE,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA")

  window = Inf,
  g = NULL,
  partial = TRUE,
  close_left_boundary = FALSE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA")

  window = Inf,
  time = seq_along(x),
  g = NULL,
  partial = TRUE,
  close_left_boundary = FALSE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA")

  window = Inf,
  time = seq_along(x),
  g = NULL,
  partial = TRUE,
  unlist = FALSE,
  close_left_boundary = FALSE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA")



Numeric vector.


Time window size (Default is Inf). Must be one of the following:

  • string, e.g window = "day" or window = "2 weeks"

  • lubridate duration or period object, e.g. days(1) or ddays(1).

  • named list of length one, e.g. list("days" = 7).

  • Numeric vector, e.g. window = 7.


(Optional) time index.
Can be a Date, POSIXt, numeric, integer, yearmon, or yearqtr vector.


Importance weights. Must be the same length as x. Currently, no normalisation of weights occurs.


Grouping object passed directly to collapse::GRP(). This can for example be a vector or data frame.


Should calculations be done using partial windows? Default is TRUE.


Should the left boundary be closed? For example, if you specify window = "day" and time = c(today(), today() + 1),
a value of FALSE would result in the window vector c(1, 1) whereas a value of TRUE would result in the window vector c(1, 2).


Should missing values be removed for the calculation? The default is TRUE.


If "auto", periods are used for the time expansion when lubridate periods are specified or when days, weeks, months or years are specified, and durations are used otherwise.


Control how impossible dates are handled when month or year arithmetic is involved. Options are "preday", "boundary", "postday", "full" and "NA". See ?timechange::time_add for more details.


See ?timechange::time_add for the full list of details.


Additional arguments passed to data.table::frollmean and data.table::frollsum.


An optional but important argument that follows the same input rules as window.
It is currently only used only in time_roll_growth_rate.
If this is supplied, the time differences across gaps in time are incorporated into the growth rate calculation. See details for more info.


A function.


Should the output of time_roll_apply be unlisted with unlist? Default is FALSE.


It is much faster if your data are already sorted such that !is.unsorted(order(g, x)) is TRUE.

Growth rates

For growth rates across time, one can use time_step to incorporate gaps in time into the calculation.

For example:
x <- c(10, 20)
t <- c(1, 10)
k <- Inf
time_roll_growth_rate(x, time = t, window = k) = c(1, 2) whereas
time_roll_growth_rate(x, time = t, window = k, time_step = 1) = c(1, 1.08)
The first is a doubling from 10 to 20, whereas the second implies a growth of 8% for each time step from 1 to 10.
This allows us for example to calculate daily growth rates over the last x months, even with missing days.


A vector the same length as time.



time <- time_seq(today(), today() + weeks(3),
                 time_by = "3 days")
x <- sample.int(length(time))

roll_mean(x, window = 7)
roll_sum(x, window = 7)

time_roll_mean(x, window = ddays(7), time = time)
time_roll_sum(x, window = days(7), time = time)

# Alternatively and more verbosely
x_chunks <- time_roll_window(x, window = 7, time = time)
vapply(x_chunks, mean, 0)

# Interval (x - 3 x]
time_roll_sum(x, window = ddays(3), time = time)

# An example with an irregular time series

t <- today() + days(sort(sample(1:30, 20, TRUE)))
time_elapsed(t, days(1)) # See the irregular elapsed time
x <- rpois(length(t), 10)

tibble(x, t) %>%
  mutate(sum = time_roll_sum(x, time = t, window = days(3))) %>%
  time_ggplot(t, sum)

### Rolling mean example with many time series

# Sparse time with duplicates
index <- sort(sample(seq(now(), now() + dyears(3), by = "333 hours"),
                     250, TRUE))
x <- matrix(rnorm(length(index) * 10^3),
            ncol = 10^3, nrow = length(index),
            byrow = FALSE)

zoo_ts <- zoo::zoo(x, order.by = index)

# Normally you might attempt something like this
apply(x, 2,
        time_roll_mean(x, window = dmonths(1), time = index)
# Unfortunately this is too slow and inefficient

# Instead we can pivot it longer and code each series as a separate group
tbl <- ts_as_tibble(zoo_ts)

tbl %>%
  mutate(monthly_mean = time_roll_mean(value, window = dmonths(1),
                                       time = time, g = group))

timeplyr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:37 a.m.