initialize-tinytable-method: Method for a tinytable S4 object

initialize,tinytable-methodR Documentation

Method for a tinytable S4 object


Method for a tinytable S4 object


## S4 method for signature 'tinytable'
  data = data.frame(),
  table = data.frame(),
  caption = NULL,
  notes = NULL,
  theme = list("default"),
  placement = NULL,
  width = NULL



A string that will be used as the caption of the table. This argument should not be used in Quarto or Rmarkdown documents. In that context, please use the appropriate chunk options.


Notes to append to the bottom of the table. This argument accepts several different inputs:

  • Single string insert a single note: "blah blah"

  • Multiple strings insert multiple notes sequentially: list("Hello world", "Foo bar")

  • A named list inserts a list with the name as superscript: list("a" = list("Hello World"))

  • A named list with positions inserts markers as superscripts inside table cells: list("a" = list(i = 0:1, j = 2, text = "Hello World"))


Function or string.

  • String: grid, resize, multipage, placement, rotate, striped, void, bootstrap, tabular

  • Function: Applied to the tinytable object.


Table or column width.

  • Single numeric value smaller than or equal to 1 determines the full table width, in proportion of line width.

  • Numeric vector of length equal to the number of columns in x determines the width of each column, in proportion of line width. If the sum of width exceeds 1, each element is divided by sum(width). This makes the table full-width with relative column sizes.

tinytable documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 5:06 p.m.