print.tinytable: Print, display, or convert a tinytable object

View source: R/print.R

print.tinytableR Documentation

Print, display, or convert a tinytable object


This function is called automatically by R whenever a tinytable object is anprinted to the console or in an HTML viewer pane.


## S3 method for class 'tinytable'
print(x, output = get_option("tinytable_print_output", default = NULL), ...)



A data frame or data table to be rendered as a table.


format in which a Tiny Table is printed: NULL or one of "latex", "markdown", "html", "typst", "dataframe". If NULL, the output is chosen based on these rules:

  • When called from a script in non-interactive mode, the default is "markdown" (interactive() == FALSE).

  • When called interactively in RStudio, the default is to display an HTML table in the viewer pane.

  • When called interactively in another development environment, the default is "markdown".

  • The default print output can be changed for an entire R session by calling: options(tinytable_print_output = "html")

  • The default print output can be changed for a single tinytable object by modifying the output S4 slot.


Other arguments are ignored.


launch a browser window or cat() the table to console.

tinytable documentation built on Oct. 5, 2024, 5:06 p.m.