#' ResBlock
#' ResNet block based on "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition".
#' Pass the input through the ResBlock layer. The paper link is []().
#' @param n_freq the number of bins in a spectrogram. (Default: ``128``)
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): the input sequence to the ResBlock layer (n_batch, n_freq, n_time).
#' @return
#' Tensor shape: (n_batch, n_freq, n_time)
#' @examples
#' if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' resblock = model_resblock()
#' input = torch::torch_rand(10, 128, 512) # a random spectrogram
#' output = resblock(input) # shape: (10, 128, 512)
#' @export
model_resblock <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(n_freq = 128) {
self$resblock_model = torch::nn_sequential(
torch::nn_conv1d(in_channels=n_freq, out_channels=n_freq, kernel_size=1, bias=FALSE),
torch::nn_conv1d(in_channels=n_freq, out_channels=n_freq, kernel_size=1, bias=FALSE),
forward = function(specgram) {
return(self$resblock_model(specgram) + specgram)
#' MelResNet
#' MelResNet layer uses a stack of ResBlocks on spectrogram.
#' Pass the input through the MelResNet layer.
#' @param n_res_block the number of ResBlock in stack. (Default: ``10``)
#' @param n_freq the number of bins in a spectrogram. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param n_hidden the number of hidden dimensions of resblock. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param n_output the number of output dimensions of melresnet. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param kernel_size the number of kernel size in the first Conv1d layer. (Default: ``5``)
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): the input sequence to the MelResNet layer (n_batch, n_freq, n_time).
#' @return
#' Tensor shape: (n_batch, n_output, n_time - kernel_size + 1)
#' @examples
#' if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' melresnet = model_melresnet()
#' input = torch::torch_rand(10, 128, 512) # a random spectrogram
#' output = melresnet(input) # shape: (10, 128, 508)
#' }
#' @export
model_melresnet <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
n_res_block = 10,
n_freq = 128,
n_hidden = 128,
n_output = 128,
kernel_size = 5
) {
ResBlocks = replicate(n_res_block, model_resblock(n_hidden))
self$melresnet_model = torch::nn_sequential(
torch::nn_conv1d(in_channels=n_freq, out_channels=n_hidden, kernel_size=kernel_size, bias=FALSE),
torch::nn_conv1d(in_channels=n_hidden, out_channels=n_output, kernel_size=1)
forward = function(specgram) {
#' Stretch2d
#' Upscale the frequency and time dimensions of a spectrogram.
#' Pass the input through the Stretch2d layer.
#' @param time_scale the scale factor in time dimension
#' @param freq_scale the scale factor in frequency dimension
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): the input sequence to the Stretch2d layer (..., n_freq, n_time).
#' @return
#' Tensor shape: (..., n_freq * freq_scale, n_time * time_scale)
#' @examples
#' if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' stretch2d = model_stretch2d(time_scale=10, freq_scale=5)
#' input = torch::torch_rand(10, 100, 512) # a random spectrogram
#' output = stretch2d(input) # shape: (10, 500, 5120)
#' @export
model_stretch2d <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
) {
self$freq_scale = as.integer(freq_scale)
self$time_scale = as.integer(time_scale)
forward = function(specgram) {
return(specgram$repeat_interleave(self$freq_scale, -2)$repeat_interleave(self$time_scale, -1))
#' UpsampleNetwork
#' Upscale the dimensions of a spectrogram.
#' Pass the input through the UpsampleNetwork layer.
#' @param upsample_scales the list of upsample scales.
#' @param n_res_block the number of ResBlock in stack. (Default: ``10``)
#' @param n_freq the number of bins in a spectrogram. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param n_hidden the number of hidden dimensions of resblock. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param n_output the number of output dimensions of melresnet. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param kernel_size the number of kernel size in the first Conv1d layer. (Default: ``5``)
#' @details forward param:
#' specgram (Tensor): the input sequence to the UpsampleNetwork layer (n_batch, n_freq, n_time)
#' @return
#' Tensor shape: (n_batch, n_freq, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * total_scale),
#' (n_batch, n_output, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * total_scale)
#' where total_scale is the product of all elements in upsample_scales.
#' @examples
#' if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' upsamplenetwork = model_upsample_network(upsample_scales=c(4, 4, 16))
#' input = torch::torch_rand (10, 128, 10) # a random spectrogram
#' output = upsamplenetwork (input) # shape: (10, 1536, 128), (10, 1536, 128)
#' @export
model_upsample_network <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
n_res_block = 10,
n_freq = 128,
n_hidden = 128,
n_output = 128,
kernel_size = 5
) {
total_scale = prod(upsample_scales)
self$indent = ((kernel_size - 1) %/% 2) * total_scale
self$resnet = model_melresnet(n_res_block, n_freq, n_hidden, n_output, kernel_size)
self$resnet_stretch = model_stretch2d(total_scale, 1)
up_layers = list()
for(scale in upsample_scales) {
stretch = model_stretch2d(scale, 1)
conv = torch::nn_conv2d(in_channels=1,
kernel_size=list(1, scale * 2 + 1),
padding=list(0, scale),
conv$parameters$weight$data()$fill_(1. / (scale * 2 + 1))
up_layers[[length(up_layers) + 1]] <- stretch
up_layers[[length(up_layers) + 1]] <- conv
self$upsample_layers = torch::nn_sequential(!!!up_layers)
forward = function(specgram) {
resnet_output = self$resnet(specgram)$unsqueeze(2)
resnet_output = self$resnet_stretch(resnet_output)
resnet_output = resnet_output$squeeze(2)
specgram = specgram$unsqueeze(2)
upsampling_output = self$upsample_layers(specgram)
upsampling_output_size = upsampling_output$size()
lu = length(upsampling_output_size)
upsampling_output = upsampling_output$squeeze(2)[ , , (self$indent+1):(upsampling_output_size[lu]-self$indent)]
return(list(upsampling_output, resnet_output))
#' WaveRNN
#' WaveRNN model based on the implementation from [fatchord](
#' The original implementation was introduced in ["Efficient Neural Audio Synthesis"](
#'#' Pass the input through the WaveRNN model.
#' @param upsample_scales the list of upsample scales.
#' @param n_classes the number of output classes.
#' @param hop_length the number of samples between the starts of consecutive frames.
#' @param n_res_block the number of ResBlock in stack. (Default: ``10``)
#' @param n_rnn the dimension of RNN layer. (Default: ``512``)
#' @param n_fc the dimension of fully connected layer. (Default: ``512``)
#' @param kernel_size the number of kernel size in the first Conv1d layer. (Default: ``5``)
#' @param n_freq the number of bins in a spectrogram. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param n_hidden the number of hidden dimensions of resblock. (Default: ``128``)
#' @param n_output the number of output dimensions of melresnet. (Default: ``128``)
#' @details forward param:
#' waveform the input waveform to the WaveRNN layer (n_batch, 1, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * hop_length)
#' specgram the input spectrogram to the WaveRNN layer (n_batch, 1, n_freq, n_time)
#' The input channels of waveform and spectrogram have to be 1. The product of
#' `upsample_scales` must equal `hop_length`.
#' @return
#' Tensor shape: (n_batch, 1, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * hop_length, n_classes)
#' @examples
#' if(torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#' wavernn <- model_wavernn(upsample_scales=c(2,2,3), n_classes=5, hop_length=12)
#' waveform <- torch::torch_rand(3,1,(10 - 5 + 1)*12)
#' spectrogram <- torch::torch_rand(3,1,128,10)
#' # waveform shape: (n_batch, n_channel, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * hop_length)
#' output <- wavernn(waveform, spectrogram)
#' @export
model_wavernn <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(
n_res_block = 10,
n_rnn = 512,
n_fc = 512,
kernel_size = 5,
n_freq = 128,
n_hidden = 128,
n_output = 128
) {
self$kernel_size = kernel_size
self$n_rnn = n_rnn
self$n_aux = n_output %/% 4
self$hop_length = hop_length
self$n_classes = n_classes
total_scale = prod(upsample_scales)
if(total_scale != self$hop_length)
value_error(glue::glue("Expected: total_scale == hop_length, but found {total_scale} != {hop_length}"))
self$upsample = model_upsample_network(
self$fc = torch::nn_linear(n_freq + self$n_aux + 1, n_rnn)
self$rnn1 = torch::nn_gru(n_rnn, n_rnn, batch_first=TRUE)
self$rnn2 = torch::nn_gru(n_rnn + self$n_aux, n_rnn, batch_first=TRUE)
self$relu1 = torch::nn_relu(inplace=TRUE)
self$relu2 = torch::nn_relu(inplace=TRUE)
self$fc1 = torch::nn_linear(n_rnn + self$n_aux, n_fc)
self$fc2 = torch::nn_linear(n_fc + self$n_aux, n_fc)
self$fc3 = torch::nn_linear(n_fc, self$n_classes)
forward = function(waveform, specgram) {
if(waveform$size(2) != 1) value_error('Require the input channel of waveform is 1')
if(specgram$size(2) != 1) value_error('Require the input channel of specgram is 1')
# remove channel dimension until the end
waveform = waveform$squeeze(2)
specgram = specgram$squeeze(2)
batch_size = waveform$size(1)
h1 = torch::torch_zeros(1, batch_size, self$n_rnn, dtype=waveform$dtype, device=waveform$device)
h2 = torch::torch_zeros(1, batch_size, self$n_rnn, dtype=waveform$dtype, device=waveform$device)
# output of upsample:
# specgram: (n_batch, n_freq, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * total_scale)
# aux: (n_batch, n_output, (n_time - kernel_size + 1) * total_scale)
specgram_and_aux = self$upsample(specgram)
specgram = specgram_and_aux[[1]]$transpose(2, 3)
aux = specgram_and_aux[[2]]$transpose(2, 3)
aux_idx = (self$n_aux*(0:4))
a1 = aux[ , , (aux_idx[0+1] +1):aux_idx[1+1]]
a2 = aux[ , , (aux_idx[1+1] +1):aux_idx[2+1]]
a3 = aux[ , , (aux_idx[2+1] +1):aux_idx[3+1]]
a4 = aux[ , , (aux_idx[3+1] +1):aux_idx[4+1]]
x = torch::torch_cat(list(waveform$unsqueeze(-1), specgram, a1), dim=-1L)
x = self$fc(x)
res = x
x = self$rnn1(x, h1)[[1]]
x = x + res
res = x
x = torch::torch_cat(list(x, a2), dim=-1)
x = self$rnn2(x, h2)[[1]]
x = x + res
x = torch::torch_cat(list(x, a3), dim=-1)
x = self$fc1(x)
x = self$relu1(x)
x = torch::torch_cat(list(x, a4), dim=-1)
x = self$fc2(x)
x = self$relu2(x)
x = self$fc3(x)
# bring back channel dimension
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