Man pages for toxplot
Batch Processing, Modeling and Visualizing the Dose-Response of High-Throughput Screening Bioassay

auc_hill_tcplfunction to calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the hill...
demo_mcExample multi-concentration screening data
demo_mc_normNormalized example multi-concentration screening data
fit_curve_tcplfit dose-resopnse curve using tcpl hill model
hill_modelhill mode in ToxCast tcpl package
log_abs_eccalculate absolute EC_anything based on tcpl hill model
normalize_per_platenormalize per plate
normalize_single_assaynormalize per plate (from single assay data)
plot_tcplPlot dose-resonse curves based on the tcpl hill model
plot_tcpl_minimalPlot dose-resonse curves with minimal text annotation This...
qc_per_plateQuality-control metrics calculation
rank_tcplfunction to calculate ranking score, TAA, med_diff, EC values...
round_dfround digits of numbers
save_plot_pdfsave plots in pdf
summary_tcplfunction to summarize curve fitting results
toxplot documentation built on April 3, 2018, 9:04 a.m.