VarCorr.LmME: Variances and correlation matrices of random effects of an...

View source: R/LmME.R

VarCorr.LmMER Documentation

Variances and correlation matrices of random effects of an LmME object


The returned parameters are the transformed versions of the original parameters that correspond to the normal linear mixed model parameterization.


## S3 method for class 'LmME'
VarCorr(x, sigma = 1, as.lm = FALSE, ...)



An LmME object.


Standard deviation of the error term in the LMM parameterization (should not be set manually, only for consistency with the generic method)


If TRUE, return the variances and correlations that correspond to a normal linear mixed model (i.e. lmerMod).


Optional arguments (for consistency with generic)


The function only returns the correlation matrices that belong to actual random effects (defined for groups in the data) and ignores the random effects parameters of the smooth shift terms. To extract these, the user should use varcov with full = TRUE.


A list of vectors with variances and correlation matrices corresponding to the various grouping variables.


data("sleepstudy", package = "lme4")
fit <- LmME(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), data = sleepstudy)
VarCorr(fit) ## tranformation model parameterization
VarCorr(fit, as.lm = TRUE) ## LMM parameterization

tramME documentation built on July 2, 2024, 5:07 p.m.