Man pages for treebalance
Computation of Tree (Im)Balance Indices

areaPerPairICalculation of the area per pair index for rooted trees
auxFuncsAuxiliary functions
avgLeafDepICalculation of the average leaf depth index for rooted trees
avgVertDepCalculation of the average vertex depth for rooted trees
B1ICalculation of the B1 index for rooted trees
B2ICalculation of the B2 index for rooted trees
cherryICalculation of the cherry index for rooted trees
collessICalculation of the Colless index for rooted binary trees
collesslikeICalculation of the Colless-like indices for rooted trees
colPlaLabCalculation of the Colijn-Plazzotta rank for rooted binary...
colPlaLab_invGeneration of the rooted binary tree corresponding to a given...
ewCollessICalculation of the equal weights Colless index for rooted...
furnasICalculation of the Furnas rank for rooted binary trees
furnasI_invCalculation of rooted binary tree for tuple (rank, leaf...
IbasedICalculation of the I-based indices for rooted trees
maxDelWCalculation of the (modified) maximum difference in widths...
maxDepthCalculation of the maximum depth of the tree
maxWidthCalculation of the maximum width of the tree
mCherryICalculation of the modified cherry index for rooted binary...
mWovermDCalculation of the maximum width over maximum depth of the...
rogersICalculation of the Rogers J index for rooted binary trees
rQuartetICalculation of the rooted quartet index for rooted trees
sackinICalculation of the Sackin index for rooted trees
sShapeICalculation of the s-shape statistic for rooted trees
stairs1Calculation of the stairs1 value for rooted binary trees
stairs2Calculation of the stairs2 value for rooted binary trees
symNodesICalculation of the symmetry nodes index for rooted binary...
totCophICalculation of the total cophenetic index for rooted trees
totIntPathLenCalculation of the total internal path length for rooted...
totPathLenCalculation of the total path length for rooted trees
varLeafDepICalculation of the variance of leaf depths index for rooted...
wedEthWedderburn Etherington numbers (from OEIS)
weighL1distCalculation of weighted l1 distance index for rooted binary...
treebalance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:15 a.m.