areaPerPairI | Calculation of the area per pair index for rooted trees |
auxFuncs | Auxiliary functions |
avgLeafDepI | Calculation of the average leaf depth index for rooted trees |
avgVertDep | Calculation of the average vertex depth for rooted trees |
B1I | Calculation of the B1 index for rooted trees |
B2I | Calculation of the B2 index for rooted trees |
cherryI | Calculation of the cherry index for rooted trees |
collessI | Calculation of the Colless index for rooted binary trees |
collesslikeI | Calculation of the Colless-like indices for rooted trees |
colPlaLab | Calculation of the Colijn-Plazzotta rank for rooted binary... |
colPlaLab_inv | Generation of the rooted binary tree corresponding to a given... |
ewCollessI | Calculation of the equal weights Colless index for rooted... |
furnasI | Calculation of the Furnas rank for rooted binary trees |
furnasI_inv | Calculation of rooted binary tree for tuple (rank, leaf... |
IbasedI | Calculation of the I-based indices for rooted trees |
maxDelW | Calculation of the (modified) maximum difference in widths... |
maxDepth | Calculation of the maximum depth of the tree |
maxWidth | Calculation of the maximum width of the tree |
mCherryI | Calculation of the modified cherry index for rooted binary... |
mWovermD | Calculation of the maximum width over maximum depth of the... |
rogersI | Calculation of the Rogers J index for rooted binary trees |
rQuartetI | Calculation of the rooted quartet index for rooted trees |
sackinI | Calculation of the Sackin index for rooted trees |
sShapeI | Calculation of the s-shape statistic for rooted trees |
stairs1 | Calculation of the stairs1 value for rooted binary trees |
stairs2 | Calculation of the stairs2 value for rooted binary trees |
symNodesI | Calculation of the symmetry nodes index for rooted binary... |
totCophI | Calculation of the total cophenetic index for rooted trees |
totIntPathLen | Calculation of the total internal path length for rooted... |
totPathLen | Calculation of the total path length for rooted trees |
varLeafDepI | Calculation of the variance of leaf depths index for rooted... |
wedEth | Wedderburn Etherington numbers (from OEIS) |
weighL1dist | Calculation of weighted l1 distance index for rooted binary... |
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