API for treedater
Fast Molecular Clock Dating of Phylogenetic Trees with Rate Variation

Global functions
.Ti2blen Source code
.dater Source code
.fitDiagnostics Source code
.fix.Ti Source code
.hack.times1 Source code
.make.tree.data Source code
.optim.Ti0 Source code
.optim.Ti2 Source code
.optim.Ti5.constrained.limsolve Source code
.optim.nbinom1 Source code
.optim.omega.poisson0 Source code
.optim.omegas.gammaPoisson1 Source code
.optim.omegas.gammaPoisson2 Source code
.optim.r.gammatheta.nbinom0 Source code
.optim.sampleTimes0 Source code
boot Man page Source code
dater Man page Source code
goodnessOfFitPlot Man page Source code
outlierLineages Man page Source code
outlierTips Man page Source code
parboot Man page Source code
plot.bootTreedater Man page Source code
print.boot.treedater Source code
print.treedater Source code
relaxedClockTest Man page Source code
rootToTipRegressionPlot Man page Source code
sampleYearsFromLabels Man page Source code
summary.treedater Source code
treedater Man page
treedater-package Man page
treedater documentation built on Jan. 27, 2020, 1:06 a.m.