
#' Adjacency matrix for focal and adjacent assemblages
#' This is a square matrix containing information abount the presence-absence of each focal cell assemblage and its respective neighborhood assemblages, following the chessboard queen's case.
#' @format Matrix

#' Australia grid map
#' This is a gridded shapefile of Australia, with grid cells at a 0.5-degree resolution.
#' @format Shapefile

#' Presence-absence matrix of Australian passeriformes
#' This is a presence-absence matrix for passeriformes obtained from Australian grid-cells. Each column represents a specific passeriforme species, while each row corresponds to an assemblage (or grid cell) within the Australian grid-map. All passerine range maps were sourced from the BirdLife platform.
#' @format Matrix
#' @source <https://www.birdlife.org/>

#' Phylogenetic tree of passerines from Australia
#' This is a list contaning 100 phylogenetic trees of passerines from Australia. Each object within the list corresponds to a sampled phylogeny of class "phylo". The phylogenies are subsets obtained from the global bird phylogeny (https://birdtree.org/) made available by Jetz et al. (2012) in their published research, "The global diversity of birds in space and time".
#' @format List of phylogenetic trees of format phylo
#' @source  <doi:10.1038/nature11631>

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treesliceR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:47 p.m.