
#' @details See \code{vignette("Overview", package = "trinROC")} for an overview of the package.
#'   Further, \code{sd()}, \code{var()} and \code{cov()} are chosen with \code{options(trinROC.MLE = TRUE)} according to the maximum likelihood estimates (\code{default}). Change to sample
#'   estimates by setting \code{options(trinROC.MLE = FALSE)}
#' @references Noll, S., Furrer, R., Reiser, B. and Nakas, C. T. (2019).
#'   Inference in ROC surface analysis via a trinormal model-based testing approach.
#'   \emph{Stat}, \bold{8}(1), e249.

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trinROC documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:10 p.m.