Man pages for tripEstimation
Metropolis Sampler and Supporting Functions for Estimating Animal Movement from Archival Tags and Satellite Fixes

as.image.pimgConvert to image list
astroCalculations for position of the sun and moon
behav.binBin MCMC chains.
bitsSet and get bits from binary masks.
chain.readManage MCMC cache.
elevationCalculate elevation of astronomical objects
get.maskCreate, access and manipulate spatial masks
initialize.xDiagnose and initialize light level estimation.
juldayJulian day and Julian century calculations from date-time...
metropolisMetropolis-Hastings sampler for location estimation for...
mkCalibrationCreate calibration of solar elevation to measured light...
mkLookupCreate a lookup function to query locations against spatial...
norm.proposalManage proposal functions tune variance for metropolis...
old.metropolisOlder versions of solar location estimation
pickChoose twilight segments interactively from light data.
pimg.listCreate a collection of probability images, for MCMC binning.
satellite.modelFunction to create a satellite model object for metropolis...
solarCalculate solar postion parameters
solar.modelFunction to create a solar model object for metropolis...
tripEstimation documentation built on April 22, 2023, 1:11 a.m.