Man pages for triplesmatch
Match Triples Consisting of Two Controls and a Treated Unit or Vice Versa

aberrantscoresConvert outcome to aberrant ranks
aberrantscoreslongConvert outcome to aberrant ranks
boxplot_diffsBoxplots of pairwise differences in triples match
boxplot_matchesSeries of boxplots for a given variable characterizing the...
cut_quantCreate strata based on quantiles of a score
dist_mahalMake Mahalanobis distance matrix
formattripFormats the triples match for input to other functions
infsentripSensitivity analysis for triples matches informed by tests...
make_bal_tabMake covariate balance table
sentripSensitivity analysis for a triples match in an observational...
triplesCreate a triples match
triplesIPInteger program for finding optimal triples match
triples_stCreate a triples match for a single stratum
triplesmatch documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:46 p.m.