# ## Copyright (C) 2006 Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
# ##
# ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# ## any later version.
# ##
# ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# ## General Public License for more details.
# ##
# ## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available via WWW at
# ## You can also obtain it by
# ## writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# ## Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
# #Custom environment S3 class. With methods for subclassing ('extend') and printing
# print.MyEnv <- function(x, ...) {
# cat("<",class(x)[1],">\n",sep="")
# }
# Node <- function(parent=NULL, childs=NULL, opts=NULL, tkvar=NULL, ...) {
# this <- extend(MyEnv(), "Node", parent=NULL, childs=NULL, tkvar=tkvar, opts=opts)
# if(!is.null(parent))
# add(parent, this)
# if(!is.null(childs))
# for(nd in childs)
# add(this, nd)
# return(this)
# }
# #Add a child to current node
# add.Node <- function(this, ...) {
# nodes <- list(...)
# if(length(nodes)>1) {
# for(node in nodes)
# add(this, node)
# return(this)
# }
# this$childs <- c(this$childs, nodes)
# nodes[[1]]$parent <- this
# }
# #cmd: geometry manager command (as char. string)
# #opts: geometry manager options (as char. string)
# Frame <- function(cmd="pack", conf=NULL, ...) {
# extend(Node(...), "Frame", cmd=cmd, conf=conf)
# }
# LabelFrame <- function(cmd="pack", conf=NULL, text="", ...) {
# extend(Frame(cmd="pack", conf=NULL, ...), "LabelFrame", text=text)
# }
# #opts: widget type and options
# Widget <- function(...) {
# extend(Node(...), "Widget")
# }
# #Creates all necessary (and properly linked) tcltk widgets, and shows them
# #'Frame' method
# build.Frame <- function(this, ...) {
# parent <- this$parent
# parent.frm <- parent$tkvar
# if(is.null(parent.frm))
# this$tkvar <- tktoplevel()
# else {
# args <- c(list(parent.frm), this$conf)
# this$tkvar <-, args)
# }
# nds <- this$childs
# if(!is.null(nds))
# for(nd in nds)
# build(nd)
# if(!is.null(parent.frm)) {
# cmd <- list(parent$cmd, this$tkvar)
# opts <- parent$opts
#, c(cmd, opts))
# }
# }
# build.LabelFrame <- function(this, ...) {
# parent <- this$parent
# parent.frm <- parent$tkvar
# if(is.null(parent.frm))
# this$tkvar <- tktoplevel()
# else {
# args <- c(list("labelframe", parent.frm), this$conf)
# this$tkvar <-, args)
# }
# nds <- this$childs
# if(!is.null(nds))
# for(nd in nds)
# build(nd)
# if(!is.null(parent.frm)) {
# cmd <- list(parent$cmd, this$tkvar)
# opts <- parent$opts
#, c(cmd, opts))
# }
# }
# #Creates all necessary (and properly linked) tcltk widgets, and shows them
# #'Widget' method
# build.Widget <- function(this, ...) {
# parent.frm <- this$parent$tkvar
# args <- c(list(parent.frm), this$opts)
# tmp <-, args)
# this$tkvar <- tmp
# cmd <- list(this$parent$cmd, this$tkvar)
# opts <- this$parent$opts
#, c(cmd, opts))
# }
# #From a named list of actions, instantiates a Frame with a button for each listed action
# makeButtonsFrame <- function(actions) {
# names <- names(actions)
# fr <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# for(i in 1:length(actions))
# add(fr,Widget(opts=list(type="button", text=names[i], command=actions[[i]])))
# return(fr)
# }
# #From a root frame, *builds* a complete dialog and shows it
# buildDialog <- function(title, rootNode) {
# build(rootNode)
# tkwm.title(rootNode$tkvar, title)
# }
# showDialog.aar <- function(x, ...) {
# frRoot <- Frame()
# vM <- tclVar(1)
# vD <- tclVar(1)
# vSteps <- tclVar(1)
# onFinish <- function() {
# res <- aar(x, m=as.numeric(tclObj(vM)), d=as.numeric(tclObj(vD)), steps=as.numeric(tclObj(vSteps)) )
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# frMain <- nlar.struct.Frame(vM, vD, vSteps)
# add(frRoot,
# frMain,
# makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# )
# buildDialog(title="additive autoregressive model", frRoot)
# }
# showDialog.lstar <- function(x, ...) {
# vML <- tclVar(1)
# vMH <- tclVar(1)
# vThDelay <- tclVar(0)
# vTh <- tclVar(0)
# vMaxit <- tclVar(3000)
# frTop <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# frLeft <- Frame()
# add(frLeft,
# namedSpinbox("low reg. AR order", vML, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("high reg. AR order", vMH, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4)
# )
# frRight <- Frame()
# add(frRight,
# namedEntry("treshold value", vTh, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("treshold delay", vThDelay, from=0, to=1000)
# )
# frExtra <- Frame()
# add(frExtra,
# namedSpinbox("max iterations", vMaxit, from=100, to=1e5, increment=100, width=6)
# )
# add(frTop, frLeft, frRight, frExtra)
# frRoot <- Frame()
# onFinish <- function() {
# mL <- as.numeric(tclObj(vML))
# mH <- as.numeric(tclObj(vMH))
# th <- as.numeric(tclObj(vTh))
# thDelay <- as.numeric(tclObj(vThDelay))
# maxit <- as.numeric(tclObj(vMaxit))
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# res <- lstar(x, mL=mL, mH=mH, th=th, thDelay=thDelay, control=list(maxit=maxit))
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# bttnFrame <- makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# add(frRoot, frTop, bttnFrame)
# buildDialog(title="LSTAR model", frRoot)
# }
# showDialog.lstar <- function(x, ...) {
# vML <- tclVar(1)
# vMH <- tclVar(1)
# vThDelay <- tclVar(0)
# vTh <- tclVar(0)
# vMaxit <- tclVar(3000)
# frTop <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# frLeft <- Frame()
# add(frLeft,
# namedSpinbox("low reg. AR order", vML, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("high reg. AR order", vMH, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4)
# )
# frRight <- Frame()
# add(frRight,
# namedEntry("treshold value", vTh, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("treshold delay", vThDelay, from=0, to=1000)
# )
# frExtra <- Frame()
# add(frExtra,
# namedSpinbox("max iterations", vMaxit, from=100, to=1e5, increment=100, width=6)
# )
# add(frTop, frLeft, frRight, frExtra)
# frRoot <- Frame()
# onFinish <- function() {
# mL <- as.numeric(tclObj(vML))
# mH <- as.numeric(tclObj(vMH))
# th <- as.numeric(tclObj(vTh))
# thDelay <- as.numeric(tclObj(vThDelay))
# maxit <- as.numeric(tclObj(vMaxit))
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# res <- lstar(x, mL=mL, mH=mH, th=th, thDelay=thDelay, control=list(maxit=maxit))
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# bttnFrame <- makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# add(frRoot, frTop, bttnFrame)
# buildDialog(title="LSTAR model", frRoot)
# }
# showDialog.nnetTs <- function(x, ...) {
# frRoot <- Frame()
# vM <- tclVar(1)
# vD <- tclVar(1)
# vSteps <- tclVar(1)
# vSize <- tclVar(1)
# onFinish <- function() {
# res <- nnetTs(x, m=as.numeric(tclObj(vM)), d=as.numeric(tclObj(vD)), steps=as.numeric(tclObj(vSteps)) , size=as.numeric(tclObj(vSize)))
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# frMain <- nlar.struct.Frame(vM, vD, vSteps)
# add(frMain,
# Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="Hidden units")),
# Widget(opts=list(type="spinbox", from=1, to=100, increment=1, textvariable=vSize, width=4))
# )
# add(frRoot,
# frMain,
# makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# )
# buildDialog(title="linear model", frRoot)
# }
# showDialog.setar <- function(x, ...) {
# vD <- tclVar(1)
# vSteps <- tclVar(1)
# vML <- tclVar(1)
# vMH <- tclVar(1)
# vThDelay <- tclVar(0)
# vFixedTh <- tclVar(0)
# vTh <- tclVar(0)
# frTop <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# frLeft <- Frame()
# add(frLeft,
# namedSpinbox("low reg. AR order", vML, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("high reg. AR order", vMH, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4))
# frRight <- Frame()
# add(frRight,
# Widget(opts=list(type="checkbutton", text="fixed treshold", variable=vFixedTh)),
# namedEntry("treshold value", vTh, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("treshold delay", vThDelay, from=0, to=1000))
# frExtra <- Frame()
# add(frExtra,
# namedSpinbox("time delay", vD, from=1, to=1000),
# namedSpinbox("forecasting steps", vSteps, from=1, to=1000))
# add(frTop, frExtra, frLeft, frRight)
# frRoot <- Frame()
# onFinish <- function() {
# d <- as.numeric(tclObj(vD))
# steps <- as.numeric(tclObj(vSteps))
# mL <- as.numeric(tclObj(vML))
# mH <- as.numeric(tclObj(vMH))
# fixedTh <- as.logical(tclObj(vFixedTh))
# th <- as.numeric(tclObj(vTh))
# thDelay <- as.numeric(tclObj(vThDelay))
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# if(fixedTh)
# res <- setar(x, d=d, steps=steps, mL=mL, mH=mH, th=th, thDelay=thDelay)
# else
# res <- setar(x, d=d, steps=steps, mL=mL, mH=mH, thDelay=thDelay)
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# bttnFrame <- makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# add(frRoot, frTop, bttnFrame)
# buildDialog(title="SETAR model", frRoot)
# }
# showDialog.linear <- function(x, ...) {
# frRoot <- Frame()
# vM <- tclVar(1)
# vD <- tclVar(1)
# vSteps <- tclVar(1)
# onFinish <- function() {
# res <- linear(x, m=as.numeric(tclObj(vM)), d=as.numeric(tclObj(vD)), steps=as.numeric(tclObj(vSteps)) )
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# frMain <- nlar.struct.Frame(vM, vD, vSteps)
# add(frRoot,
# frMain,
# makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# )
# buildDialog(title="linear model", frRoot)
# }
# <- function(x, ...) {
# vD <- tclVar(1)
# vSteps <- tclVar(1)
# vML <- tclVar(1)
# vMH <- tclVar(1)
# vThDelay <- tclVar(0)
# vTh <- tclVar(0)
# frTop <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# frLeft <- Frame()
# add(frLeft,
# namedSpinbox("low reg. AR order", vML, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4),
# namedSpinbox("high reg. AR order", vMH, from=1, to=1000, increment=1, width=4)
# )
# frRight <- Frame()
# add(frRight,
# namedSpinbox("treshold delay", vThDelay, from=0, to=1000)
# )
# frExtra <- Frame()
# add(frExtra,
# namedSpinbox("time delay", vD, from=1, to=1000),
# namedSpinbox("forecasting steps", vSteps, from=1, to=1000)
# )
# add(frTop, frExtra, frLeft, frRight)
# frRoot <- Frame()
# onFinish <- function() {
# d <- as.numeric(tclObj(vD))
# steps <- as.numeric(tclObj(vSteps))
# mL <- as.numeric(tclObj(vML))
# mH <- as.numeric(tclObj(vMH))
# thDelay <- as.numeric(tclObj(vThDelay))
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# res <- star(x, d=d, steps=steps, mL=mL, mH=mH, thDelay=thDelay)
# assign("nlarModel", res, .GlobalEnv)
# }
# onCancel <- function()
# tkdestroy(frRoot$tkvar)
# bttnFrame <- makeButtonsFrame(list(Finish=onFinish, Cancel=onCancel))
# add(frRoot, frTop, bttnFrame)
# buildDialog(title="STAR model", frRoot)
# }
# if(GUI) {
# require(tcltk) || stop("tcltk package is required for displaying the GUI")
# replot <- function(...) {
# type <- as.character(tclObj(ttype))
# <- as.numeric(tclObj(th))
# <- as.numeric(tclObj(tlag1))
# <- as.numeric(tclObj(tlag2))
# if(! h <<-
# if(!
# h <<-
# else
# tclvalue(th) <- as.character(h)
# if((!!
# lags <<- c(,
# else {
# tclvalue(tlag1) <- as.character(lags[1])
# tclvalue(tlag2) <- as.character(lags[2])
# }
# X <<- embedd(x, lags=c(-lags, 0))
# xlab <<- paste("lag",lags[1])
# ylab <<- paste("lag",lags[2])
# mod <- sm.regression(X[,1:2], X[,3], h=rep(exp(h),2), display="none")
# panel[[type]](mod$estimate)
# }
# types <- names(panel)
# ttype <- tclVar(type)
# tlag1 <- tclVar(lags[1])
# tlag2 <- tclVar(lags[2])
# th <- tclVar(h)
# frLeft <- Frame(opts=list(anchor="w"), conf=list(borderwidth=4, relief="raised"))
# frRight <- Frame(opts=list(anchor="w"), conf=list(borderwidth=4, relief="raised"))
# frRoot <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# add(frRoot, frLeft, frRight)
# add(frLeft, Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="plot type:")))
# for(i in 1:length(types))
# add( frLeft, Widget(opts=list(type="radiobutton", command=replot,
# text=types[i], value=types[i], variable=ttype)) )
# lagEntry1 <- Widget(opts=list(type="entry", textvariable=tlag1, width=2))
# lagEntry2 <- Widget(opts=list(type="entry", textvariable=tlag2, width=2))
# add(frRight, Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="first lag:")), lagEntry1,
# Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="second lag:")), lagEntry2)
# h.start <- log(h) - 2
# h.end <- log(h) + 2
# hScale <- Widget(opts=list(type="scale", command=replot, from=h.start, to=h.end,
# variable=th, resolution=(h.start-h.end)/100, orient="horiz"))
# add(frRight, Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="kernel window:")), hScale)
# buildDialog(title="plot options", frRoot)
# tkbind(lagEntry1$tkvar, "<Return>",replot)
# tkbind(lagEntry2$tkvar, "<Return>",replot)
# return(invisible(NULL))
# }
# if(GUI) {
# require(tcltk) || stop("tcltk package is required for displaying the GUI")
# replot <- function(...) {
# type <- as.character(tclObj(vType))
# <- exp(as.numeric(tclObj(vH)))
# <- as.numeric(tclObj(vLag))
# if(!
# h <<-
# else
# tclvalue(th) <- as.character(log(h))
# if(!
# lag <<-
# else
# tclvalue(vLag) <- as.character(lag)
# lags <- c(-lag, 0)
# X <<- embedd(x, lags=lags)
# xlab <<- paste("lag",lag)
# ylab <<- paste("lag",0)
# panel[[type]]()
# }
# types <- c("levels","persp","image","lines","points","regression")
# vType <- tclVar(type)
# vLag <- tclVar(lag)
# vH <- tclVar(log(h))
# frLeft <- Frame(opts=list(anchor="w"), conf=list(borderwidth=4, relief="raised"))
# frRight <- Frame(opts=list(anchor="w"), conf=list(borderwidth=4, relief="raised"))
# frRoot <- Frame(opts=list(side="left"))
# add(frRoot, frLeft, frRight)
# add(frLeft, Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="plot type:")))
# for(i in 1:length(types))
# add( frLeft, Widget(opts=list(type="radiobutton", command=replot,
# text=types[i], value=types[i], variable=vType)) )
# lagEntry <- Widget(opts=list(type="entry", textvariable=vLag, width=2))
# add(frRight, Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="lag:")),lagEntry)
# h.start <- log(h) - 2
# h.end <- log(h) + 2
# F <- function (phi1, phi2, x_t, s_t) {
# noRegimes <- dim(phi1)[1]
# local <- array(0, c(noRegimes, dim(x_t)[1]))
# local[1, ] <- x_t %*% phi1[1, ]
# for (i in 2:noRegimes) local[i, ] <- (x_t %*% phi1[i, ]) * G(s_t, gamma = phi2[i - 1, 1], th = phi2[i - 1, 2])
# return(apply(local, 2, sum))
# }
# hScale <- Widget(opts=list(type="scale", command=replot, from=h.start, to=h.end,
# variable=vH, resolution=(h.start-h.end)/100, orient="horiz"))
# add(frRight, Widget(opts=list(type="label", text="kernel window:")),hScale)
# buildDialog(title="plot options:", frRoot)
# tkbind(lagEntry$tkvar, "<Return>", replot)
# return(invisible(NULL))
# }
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