Man pages for tsoutliers
Detection of Outliers in Time Series

bde9915Data Set: Working Paper 'bde9915'
calendar-effectsCalendar Effects
coefs2polyProduct of the Polynomials in an ARIMA Model
discard-outliersStage II of the Procedure: Discard Outliers
find-consecutive-outliersFind outliers at consecutive time points
hicpData Set: Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices
ipiData Set: Industrial Production Indices
jarque-bera-testJarque-Bera Test for Normality
locate-outliersStage I of the Procedure: Locate Outliers (Baseline Function)
locate-outliers-loopsStage I of the Procedure: Locate Outliers (Loop Around...
outliers-data-frameDefine Outliers in a Data Frame
outliers-effectsCreate the Pattern of Different Types of Outliers
outliers-regressorsRegressor Variables for the Detection of Outliers
outliers-tstatisticsTest Statistics for the Significance of Outliers
plot-tsoutliersDisplay Outlier Effects Detected by 'tsoutliers'
print-tsoutliersPrint 'tsoutliers' object
remove-outliers-deprecatedStage II of the Procedure: Discard Outliers
tsoAutomatic Procedure for Detection of Outliers
tsoutliers-packageAutomatic Detection of Outliers in Time Series
tsoutliers documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:44 a.m.