Man pages for tvm
Time Value of Money Functions

adjust_discAdjusts the discount factors by a spread
cashflowGet the cashflow for a loan
cftCalculates the Total Financial Cost (CFT)
disc_cfValue of a discounted cashflow
disc_valueCalculates the present value of a cashflow
find_rateFind the rate for a loan given the discount factors
irrThe IRR is returned as an effective rate with periodicity...
loanCreates an instance of a loan class
npvNet Present Value of a periodic cashflow (NPV)
plot.rate_curvePlots a rate curve
pmtThe value of the payment of a loan with constant payments...
rateThe rate of a loan with constant payments (french type...
rate_curveCreates a rate curve instance
remRemaining capital in a loan
sub-.rate_curveReturns a particular rate or rates from a curve
tvm-packagetvm: Time Value of Money Functions
xirrThe IRR is returned as an effective annual rate
xnpvNet Present Value of an irregular cashflow (NPV)
tvm documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:19 p.m.