Man pages for ui
Uncertainty Intervals and Sensitivity Analysis for Missing Data

gridrho.fSupport function for 'ui.causal'
grrGradient for the loglikelihood used by ui.probit
hessHessian for the loglikelihood used by ui.probit
interv.pPrint interval in parantesis
lambda0Inverse Mills rato
lambda1Inverse Mills rato
LogL.probitLoglikelihood used by ui.probit
Logl.sandACTLoglikelohood used in sandwich estimator of average causal...
ML.probitFit maximum likelihood for fixed values of rho
plot.uicausalPlot of UI and CI
plot.uiolsPlot of UI and CI
plot.uiprobitPlot of UI and CI
print.uicausalPrint function for object of class uicausal
print.uiolsPrints objects of class uiols
print.uiprobitPrints objects of class uiprobit
profile.uicausalPlot of UI and CI
profile.uiolsPlot of UI and CI
profile.uiprobitPlot of UI and CI
sandACTCalculates standard error of Average causal effect on the...
sandImpACECalculates standard error of Average causal effect
sandImpACTCalculates standard error of Average causal effect on the...
se.olsCalculation of se for OLS
sigmaOLScor0Correction of OLS sigma for causal effects
sigmaOLScor1Correction of OLS sigma
ui.causalUncertainty intervals for Average Causal Effects
ui.olsUncertainty intervals for OLS regression
ui.probitUncertainty intervals for probit regression
ui documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 5:07 p.m.