
## UChicago.R | 2024 04 30
## Colors of the University of Chicago, USA
## ----------------------------------------

# Information: ------

# cur_pals: "uchicago_1", "uchicago_2" (2)
# inst: "University of Chicago"
# country: USA
# URL: "https://www.uchicago.edu/"

# Motto: "Crescat scientia; vita excolatur."

# Color source:
# URL: <https://creative.uchicago.edu/brand-resources/>
# Page 28 of PDF manual
# Last check: 2023-06-13

# Colors: ------
# Find colors directly defined in color palettes!

# Color palette(s):

# - uchicago_1: Primary colors of UChicago ------

#' Primary colors of the University of Chicago, USA
#' \code{uchicago_1} provides the four primary colors
#' of the \href{https://www.uchicago.edu}{University of Chicago}, USA.
#' The 4 primary colors are 
#' \code{"maroon"} (defined as Pantone 202C, CMYK 0/100/70/50 RGB 128/0/0, or HEX #800000),
#' \code{"light greystone"} (defined as Pantone Cool Gray 3C, CMYK 4/3/5/16, RGB 217/217/217, or HEX #D9D9D9),
#' \code{"greystone"} (defined as Pantone Warm Gray 7C, CMYK 16/23/23/44, RGB 166/166/166, or HEX #A6A6), and
#' \code{"dark greystone"} (defined as Pantone Warm Gray 11C, CMYK 26/30/34/62, RGB 115/115/115, or HEX #73737).
#' \code{uchicago_1} uses the HEX color definitions.
#' @details
#' The primary color palette should be used in all digital and print communications to assure brand consistency. 
#' Within the primary palette itself, \code{"maroon"} should always be the dominant color, with Greys used as accents.
#' For specific color ratios and layout examples, see the 
#' \href{https://creative.uchicago.edu/brand-resources/}{Brand Identity Guidelines}. 
#' Always use these colors at 100 percent. Tints should never be used.
#' @return
#' A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).
#' @author
#' \strong{unicol}, 2023-06-14.
#' @source
#' Color definitions are based on \href{https://www.uchicago.edu}{UChicago}'s 
#' \href{https://creative.uchicago.edu/brand-resources/}{Brand Identity Guidelines}.
#' @examples
#' uchicago_1
#' unikn::seecol(uchicago_1, main = "Primary colors Chicago Uni") # view color palette
#' @family U.S. university color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{uchicago_2}} for secondary, accent colors of University of Chicago;
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes;
#' \code{\link{simcol}} for finding similar colors;
#' \code{\link{newpal}} for defining new color palettes;
#' \code{\link{grepal}} for finding named colors.
#' @export

uchicago_1 <- unikn::newpal(col = c("#800000", 
                                    "#D9D9D9", "#A6A6A6", "#737373"),
                            names = c("maroon", 
                                      "light greystone", "greystone", "dark greystone"),
                            as_df = FALSE)

# # Check:
# unikn::seecol(uchicago_1, main = "Primary colors University of Chicago", col_bg = "lightgrey")

# - uchicago_2: Accent colors of UChicago ------

#' Accent colors of the University of Chicago, USA
#' \code{uchicago_2} provides the 21 accent colors
#' of the \href{https://www.uchicago.edu}{University of Chicago}, USA.
#' \code{"goldenrod"} (defined as Pantone 124C, CMYK 0/25/100/4, RGB 234/170/0, or HEX #EAAA00),
#' \code{"light goldenrod"} (defined as Pantone 129C, CMYK 0/12/90/0, RGB 243/208/62, or HEX #F3D03E),
#' \code{"dark goldenrod"} (defined as Pantone 131C, CMYK 3/36/100/11, RGB 204/138/0, or HEX #CC8A00),
#' \code{"terracotta"} (defined as Pantone 138C, CMYK 0/46/100/6, RGB 222/124/0, or HEX #DE7C00),
#' \code{"light terracotta"} (defined as Pantone 157C, CMYK 0/37/74/0, RGB 236/161/84, or HEX #ECA154),
#' \code{"dark terracotta"} (defined as Pantone 1675C, CMYK 5/71/100/27, RGB 169/67/30, or HEX #A9431E),
#' \code{"ivy"} (defined as Pantone 576C, CMYK 44/4/88/22, RGB 120/157/74, or HEX #789D4A),
#' \code{"light ivy"} (defined as Pantone 577C, CMYK 29/2/58/2, RGB 169/196/127, or HEX #A9C47F),
#' \code{"dark ivy"} (defined as Pantone 574C, CMYK 52/20/98/66, RGB 19/48/28, or HEX #13301C),
#' \code{"forest"} (defined as Pantone 7483C, CMYK 82/15/85/50, RGB 39/93/56, or HEX #275D38),
#' \code{"light forest"} (defined as Pantone 7494C, CMYK 31/6/42/16, RGB 156/175/136, or HEX #9CAF88),
#' \code{"dark forest"} (defined as Pantone 553C, CMYK 72/28/65/74, RGB 40/71/52, or HEX #284734),
#' \code{"lake"} (defined as Pantone 633C, CMYK 100/7/10/31, RGB 0/115/150, or HEX #007396),
#' \code{"light lake"} (defined as Pantone 631C, CMYK 70/0/15/2, RGB 62/177/200, or HEX #3EB1C8),
#' \code{"dark lake"} (defined as Pantone 303C, CMYK 100/55/18/76, RGB 0/42/58, or HEX #002A3A),
#' \code{"violet"} (defined as Pantone 519C, CMYK 63/90/9/50, RGB 89/49/95, or HEX #59315F),
#' \code{"light violet"} (defined as Pantone 5205C, CMYK 25/42/13/43, RGB 134/100/122, or HEX #86647A),
#' \code{"dark violet"} (defined as Pantone 7449C, CMYK 63/96/21/83, RGB 65/39/59, or HEX #41273B),
#' \code{"brick"} (defined as Pantone 1807C, CMYK 6/85/71/30, RGB 164/52/58, or HEX #A4343A),
#' \code{"light brick"} (defined as Pantone 7522C, CMYK 10/58/54/18, RGB 180/106/85, or HEX #B46A55), and
#' \code{"dark brick"} (defined as Pantone 1817C, CMYK 20/70/59/60, RGB 100/51/53, or HEX #643335).
#' \code{uchicago_2} uses the HEX color definitions.
#' @details
#' The secondary palette is to be used sparingly and always in conjunction with the primary palette. 
#' In other words, all print and digital communications will utilize the primary palette as the dominant color scheme, 
#' with the secondary color palette providing subtle accent color options. 
#' @return
#' A named vector of colors (HEX/HTML codes of type character).
#' @author
#' \strong{unicol}, 2023-06-14.
#' @source
#' Color definitions are based on \href{https://www.uchicago.edu}{UChicago}'s 
#' \href{https://creative.uchicago.edu/brand-resources/}{Brand Identity Guidelines}. 
#' @examples
#' uchicago_2
#' unikn::seecol(uchicago_2, main = "Accent colors of UChicago") # view color palette
#' @family U.S. university color palettes
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{uchicago_1}} for primary colors of University of Chicago;
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes;
#' \code{\link{simcol}} for finding similar colors;
#' \code{\link{newpal}} for defining new color palettes;
#' \code{\link{grepal}} for finding named colors.
#' @export

uchicago_2 <- unikn::newpal(col = c("#EAAA00", "#F3D03E", "#CC8A00", 
                                    "#DE7C00", "#ECA154", "#A9431E", 
                                    "#789D4A", "#A9C47F", "#13301C", 
                                    "#275D38", "#9CAF88", "#284734",
                                    "#007396", "#3EB1C8", "#002A3A", 
                                    "#59315F", "#86647A", "#41273B", 
                                    "#A4343A", "#B46A55", "#643335", 
                                    "#FFFFFF", "#000000"),
                            names = c("goldenrod", "light goldenrod", "dark goldenrod", 
                                      "terracotta", "light terracotta", "dark terracotta", 
                                      "ivy", "light ivy", "dark ivy", 
                                      "forest", "light forest", "dark forest", 
                                      "lake", "light lake", "dark lake", 
                                      "violet", "light violet", "dark violet", 
                                      "brick", "light brick", "dark brick", 
                                      "white", "black"),
                            as_df = FALSE)

# # Check:
# unikn::seecol(uchicago_2, main = "Accent colors University of Chicago", col_bg = "lightgrey")

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