
###### Global variable for package 'XXX_packageName' ################

# If not already there, move this file called "uniset_globals.R" into the
# "R" folder of your package 'XXX_packageName'

# Or, alternatively, if you already have a file defining global variables,
# just add the two lines below to it. 

# Do not change the name or the value of the object-value pair below. 

uniset_handover <- list(pkgname = "XXX_packageName",
                        funcname = "XXX_packageName_handover_to_uniset")

# Explanation: 
# this is the name of the function handing over some values required for 
# package uniset to work properly.

Try the uniset package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

uniset documentation built on March 28, 2022, 1:05 a.m.