
######################## Settings file for package "dogPack" ##################################

# this is a special file used / especially "malformed" for testing only.
# not to be used for production

settings <- list(
	# tag = value, # with a comma !!

	## extra line above general behavior
	## general behavior
	gen_autoUpdateSettings = TRUE, 			## Do not delete this variable (but of course you can change its value)
	## block 1 (describe what this collection of variables is about)
	block1 = "foo",							## add a comment to describe what variables are about
	block1_2 = TRUE,	
	willBeDeleted1 = 5,							## you can specify any type of variable
	block1_nameThemWhateverYouWant = "Henry", 
	anyName = "XXX_1", 
	# in between line 1
	# in betwen line 2

	## block 2 (describe what this collection of variables is about)
	block2 = "bar",	
	block2_2 = "XXX_2",	
	comboDelete1 = "theo",
	block2_oneMoreVariable = FALSE,

	## block 3 (describe what this collection of variables is about)
	block3_giveMeaningfulNames = TRUE,  
	favouriteColor = "blue", 
	willBeDeleted2 = "darkred", 
	comboDelete2 = TRUE, 
	comboDelete3 = "XXX_3", 

	block4 = "you get the picture",	
	blabla = TRUE, 
	andSoOn = 999999,
	anyName = "peter", 
	petterson = "old",
	findus = "cat",
	mouse = "grey", 

	obey = TRUE,
	willBeDeleted3 = FALSE,
	strength = 5000,
	comboDelete1 = TRUE,

	last = 0 # do not add anything below that
	## the last one without comma !!
) # end of list called 'stn'

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uniset documentation built on March 28, 2022, 1:05 a.m.