
Defines functions dir_scrape dir_plots dir_reports dir_data_out dir_data_processed dir_data_cache dir_data_raw dir_src dir_path

Documented in dir_data_cache dir_data_out dir_data_processed dir_data_raw dir_path dir_plots dir_reports dir_scrape dir_src

#' Construct an arbitrary path.
#' Convenience function that constructs a path. Wraps \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_path <- function(...) {

#' Get path within src directory
#' Constructs a path within startr's main R/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_src <- function(...) {
  dir_path('R', ...)

#' Get path within raw data directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's data/raw/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_data_raw <- function(...) {
  dir_path('data/raw', ...)

#' Get path within cached data directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's data/cache/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_data_cache <- function(...) {
  dir_path('data/cache', ...)

#' Get path within processed data directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's data/processed/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_data_processed <- function(...) {
  dir_path('data/processed', ...)

#' Get path within disposable data outputs directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's data/out/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_data_out <- function(...) {
  dir_path('data/out', ...)

#' Get path within reports directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's reports/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_reports <- function(...) {
  dir_path('reports', ...)

#' Get path within plots directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's plots/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_plots <- function(...) {
  dir_path('plots', ...)

#' Get path within scrape directory.
#' Constructs a path within startr's scrape/ directory.
#' @param ... Any number of path strings, passed in the same fashion as \code{here::\link[here:here]{here}}.
#' @return A path string.
#' @export
dir_scrape <- function(...) {
  dir_path('scrape', ...)

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upstartr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:08 a.m.