Man pages for usmap
US Maps Including Alaska and Hawaii

citypopMost populous city in each state (2010)
countypopPopulation estimates (2015), county level
countypovPoverty percentage estimates (2014), county level
dot-east_north_centralEast North Central census division
dot-east_south_centralEast South Central census division
dot-mid_atlanticMid-Atlantic census division
dot-midwest_regionMidwest census region
dot-mountainMountain census division
dot-new_englandNew England census division
dot-north_central_regionNorth-Central census region
dot-northeast_regionNortheast census region
dot-pacificPacific census division
dot-south_atlanticSouth Atlantic census division
dot-south_regionSouth census region
dot-west_north_centralWest North Central census division
dot-west_regionWest census region
dot-west_south_centralWest South Central census division
earthquakesEarthquakes (2019)
fipsRetrieve FIPS code for either a US state or county
fips_infoRetrieve states or counties using FIPS codes
get_fips_infoGets FIPS info for either states or counties depending on...
map_with_dataJoin county or state level data to US map data
plot_usmapConveniently plot basic US map
set_sp_evolution_statusSet sp evolution status
statepopPopulation estimates (2015), state level
statepovPoverty percentage estimates (2014), state level
static_mergePerforms merge while maintaining original sort order.
theme_mapConvenient theme map
usmapusmap: US maps including Alaska and Hawaii
us_mapRetrieve US map data
usmap_crsusmap coordinate reference system
usmap_transformConvert coordinate date frame to usmap projection
usmap documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 1:10 a.m.