citypop: Most populous city in each state (2010)

citypopR Documentation

Most populous city in each state (2010)


The most populous city in each US state, as of the 2010 US Census.

The data is formatted for transforming with usmap_transform(). Once the longitude and latitude is transformed, it can be added to plot_usmap() using ggplot2::ggplot() layers.




A data frame with 51 rows and 5 variables.


  • lon The longitude of the most populous city.

  • lat The latitude of the most populous city.

  • state The name of the state containing the city.

  • abbr The abbreviation of the state containing the city.

  • most_populous_city The name of the city.

  • city_pop The population of the city.


usmap documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:26 a.m.