compare.vectors.and.return.text.analysis.of.overlap: Create a Markdown report from the output of 'compare.vectors'

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples


This function is a wrapper for compare.vectors. It creates a Markdown report of all degrees of set comparisons between a named list of vectors.


  degrees_of_comparison_to_include = NULL, cat_immediately = FALSE,
  draw_venn_diagrams = FALSE, viewport_npc_width_height_for_images = 1,
  vector_colors_for_venn_diagrams = NULL, save_venn_diagram_files = FALSE,
  location_for_venn_diagram_files = "", prefix_for_venn_diagram_files = "",
  saved_venn_diagram_resolution_ppi = 300,
  saved_venn_diagram_dimension_units = "in", saved_venn_diagram_width = 8,
  saved_venn_diagram_height = 6, base_heading_level_to_use = 1)



A named list of vectors to compare (see, for example, example.vectors.list). Duplicate values in a given vector will only be counted once (for example, c("a", "a", "b", "c") will be treated identically to c("a", "b", "c").


A number or vector of numbers of which degrees of comparison to print (for example, 'c(2, 5)' would print only 2- and 5-way vector comparisons).


A logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicator whether to immediately print the output, as in an RMarkdown document.


A logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicator whether to draw Venn diagrams for all 2- through 5-way comparisons of vectors.


The scale at which to print an image. If the image is cut off at its edges, for example, this can be set lower than 1.0.


An optional vector of color names for Venn diagrams (if draw_venn_diagrams is TRUE). Color names are applied to the named vectors in named_list_of_vectors_to_compare in their order in named_list_of_vectors_to_compare. If this is blank, a random color will be selected for each vector. Either way, each vector will have a consistent color across the Venn diagrams in which it appears.


A logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicator whether to save Venn diagrams as PNG files.


An optional string giving a directory into which to save Venn diagram PNG files (if save_venn_diagram_files is TRUE). This location must already exist on the filesystem.


An optional string giving a prefix to prepend to saved Venn diagram PNG files (if save_venn_diagram_files is TRUE).


An optional number giving a resolution (PPI) for saved Venn diagrams (if save_venn_diagram_files is TRUE).


An optional string giving units for specifying saved_venn_diagram_width and saved_venn_diagram_height (if save_venn_diagram_files is TRUE). Can be px (pixels), in (inches, the default), cm, or mm.


The width (in saved_venn_diagram_dimension_units units) for saved Venn diagrams (if save_venn_diagram_files is TRUE).


The height (in saved_venn_diagram_dimension_units units) for saved Venn diagrams (if save_venn_diagram_files is TRUE).


An integer indicating the highest-level heading to print. Defaults to 1 (i.e., start by using first-level headings); 1 is also the minimum value used.


Use of this function is illustrated with the Veccompare Overlap Report RMarkdown template for RStudio that is installed as part of the veccompare package.


A string of Markdown (and Venn diagrams, if draw_venn_diagrams is TRUE).

If cat_immediately is TRUE, nothing is returned by the function; rather, the output Markdown is printed immediately (for example, as part of a Knitted RMarkdown document, or to the console).

If cat_immediately is FALSE, the output can be saved to an object (as in the example below). This object can then be printed using cat().

NOTE WELL: If cat_immediately is FALSE, the output should be saved to an object. If it is not, R will give an error message when printing to the console, because of unescaped special characters (which work correctly when cat() is used).



Example output

Escaping special Markdown characters (_, *, /)...
Creating output Markdown text...

# Number of Items in Each Element

## **vector_a**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 7

## **vector_b**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 5

## **vector_c**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 5

## **vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 5

## **vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 5

## **vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 4

# 2-Way Comparisons

## **vector_a and vector_b**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a and vector_b:** 3 (33.33% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a and vector_b:** *a, b, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and f*

## **vector_a and vector_c**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a and vector_c:** 1 (9.09% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a and vector_c:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 6 (85.71% of vector_a; put differently, 14.29% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *a, c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 4 (80% of vector_c; put differently, 20% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *f, g, h, and i*

## **vector_a and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a and vector_d:** 2 (20% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a and vector_d:** *b and c*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 5 (71.43% of vector_a; put differently, 28.57% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *a, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *i, k, and l*

## **vector_a and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a and vector_e:** 1 (9.09% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a and vector_e:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 6 (85.71% of vector_a; put differently, 14.29% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *b, c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 4 (80% of vector_e; put differently, 20% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *g, h, k, and i*

## **vector_a and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a and vector_f:** 1 (10% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a and vector_f:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 6 (85.71% of vector_a; put differently, 14.29% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *b, c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 3 (75% of vector_f; put differently, 25% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f, g, and w*

## **vector_b and vector_c**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 8
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b and vector_c:** 2 (25% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b and vector_c:** *b and f*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 3 (60% of vector_b; put differently, 40% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *a, e, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 3 (60% of vector_c; put differently, 40% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *g, h, and i*

## **vector_b and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b and vector_d:** 1 (11.11% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b and vector_d:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 4 (80% of vector_b; put differently, 20% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *a, e, f, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 4 (80% of vector_d; put differently, 20% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, i, k, and l*

## **vector_b and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b and vector_e:** 1 (11.11% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b and vector_e:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 4 (80% of vector_b; put differently, 20% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *b, e, f, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 4 (80% of vector_e; put differently, 20% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *g, h, k, and i*

## **vector_b and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 7
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b and vector_f:** 2 (28.57% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b and vector_f:** *a and f*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 3 (60% of vector_b; put differently, 40% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *b, e, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *g and w*

## **vector_c and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 8
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c and vector_d:** 2 (25% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c and vector_d:** *b and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 3 (60% of vector_c; put differently, 40% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *f, g, and h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, k, and l*

## **vector_c and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 7
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c and vector_e:** 3 (42.86% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c and vector_e:** *g, h, and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 2 (40% of vector_c; put differently, 60% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *b and f*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 2 (40% of vector_e; put differently, 60% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *a and k*

## **vector_c and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 7
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c and vector_f:** 2 (28.57% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c and vector_f:** *f and g*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 3 (60% of vector_c; put differently, 40% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *b, h, and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *a and w*

## **vector_d and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 8
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_d and vector_e:** 2 (25% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_d and vector_e:** *i and k*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, b, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 3 (60% of vector_e; put differently, 40% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *a, g, and h*

## **vector_d and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_d and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_d and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 5 (100% of vector_d; put differently, 0% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, i, b, k, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 4 (100% of vector_f; put differently, 0% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f, g, a, and w*

## **vector_e and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 7
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_e and vector_f:** 2 (28.57% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_e and vector_f:** *a and g*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 3 (60% of vector_e; put differently, 40% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h, k, and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f and w*

# 3-Way Comparisons

## **vector_a, vector_b, and vector_c**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_c:** 1 (8.33% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_c:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 3 (60% of vector_c; put differently, 40% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *g, h, and i*

## **vector_a, vector_b, and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_d:** 1 (8.33% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_d:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and f*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *i, k, and l*

## **vector_a, vector_b, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_e:** 1 (7.69% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_e:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and f*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 4 (80% of vector_e; put differently, 20% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *g, h, k, and i*

## **vector_a, vector_b, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_f:** 1 (9.09% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, and vector_f:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *g and w*

## **vector_a, vector_c, and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, and vector_d:** 1 (7.69% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, and vector_d:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 5 (71.43% of vector_a; put differently, 28.57% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *a, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 3 (60% of vector_c; put differently, 40% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *f, g, and h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *k and l*

## **vector_a, vector_c, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 5 (71.43% of vector_a; put differently, 28.57% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *f*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

## **vector_a, vector_c, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 5 (71.43% of vector_a; put differently, 28.57% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 2 (40% of vector_c; put differently, 60% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_d, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_d, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 2 (40% of vector_e; put differently, 60% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *g and h*

## **vector_a, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *i, k, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 3 (75% of vector_f; put differently, 25% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f, g, and w*

## **vector_a, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_e, and vector_f:** 1 (7.69% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_e, and vector_f:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 6 (85.71% of vector_a; put differently, 14.29% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *b, c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 3 (60% of vector_e; put differently, 40% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h, k, and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f and w*

## **vector_b, vector_c, and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, and vector_d:** 1 (9.09% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, and vector_d:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 3 (60% of vector_b; put differently, 40% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *a, e, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 2 (40% of vector_c; put differently, 60% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *g and h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, k, and l*

## **vector_b, vector_c, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

## **vector_b, vector_c, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, and vector_f:** 1 (11.11% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, and vector_f:** *f*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 2 (40% of vector_c; put differently, 60% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_b, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_d, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_d, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 3 (60% of vector_b; put differently, 40% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e, f, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 2 (40% of vector_e; put differently, 60% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *g and h*

## **vector_b, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 4 (80% of vector_d; put differently, 20% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, i, k, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *g and w*

## **vector_b, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_e, and vector_f:** 1 (10% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_e, and vector_f:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 3 (60% of vector_b; put differently, 40% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *b, e, and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 3 (60% of vector_e; put differently, 40% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h, k, and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 9
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** 1 (11.11% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** *i*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *f*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *a*

## **vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, k, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *a and w*

## **vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 8
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** 1 (12.5% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** *g*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, b, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f and w*

# 4-Way Comparisons

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_d**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_d:** 1 (7.14% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_d:** *b*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 2 (40% of vector_c; put differently, 60% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *g and h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *k and l*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 2 (40% of vector_c; put differently, 60% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and f*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 2 (40% of vector_e; put differently, 60% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *g and h*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *i, k, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *g and w*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_e, and vector_f:** 1 (7.14% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_e, and vector_f:** *a*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 3 (60% of vector_e; put differently, 40% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h, k, and i*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *f*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

## **vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *k and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 13
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 5 (71.43% of vector_a; put differently, 28.57% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 2 (50% of vector_f; put differently, 50% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *f and w*

## **vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 11
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

## **vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 3 (60% of vector_d; put differently, 40% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c, k, and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_b, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_b, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 10
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

# 5-Way Comparisons

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_e:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 15
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 1 (20% of vector_c; put differently, 80% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *k and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *c, d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *k*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 15
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 1 (20% of vector_e; put differently, 80% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *h*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 14
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 4 (57.14% of vector_a; put differently, 42.86% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, z, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

## **vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 12
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 2 (40% of vector_b; put differently, 60% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e and z*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 2 (40% of vector_d; put differently, 60% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *c and l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

# 6-Way Comparisons

## **vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f**
- Total number of values (not counting duplicates): 15
- Total number of elements that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** 0 (0% of the total number of values)
	- Items that **overlap among vector_a, vector_b, vector_c, vector_d, vector_e, and vector_f:** *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_a

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_a:** 3 (42.86% of vector_a; put differently, 57.14% of vector_a is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_a:**

> *d, q, and x*

### Elements Unique to vector_b

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_b:** 1 (20% of vector_b; put differently, 80% of vector_b is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_b:**

> *e*

### Elements Unique to vector_c

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_c:** 0 (0% of vector_c; put differently, 100% of vector_c is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_c:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_d

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_d:** 1 (20% of vector_d; put differently, 80% of vector_d is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_d:**

> *l*

### Elements Unique to vector_e

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_e:** 0 (0% of vector_e; put differently, 100% of vector_e is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_e:**

> *(None)*

### Elements Unique to vector_f

Total number of elements that are **unique to vector_f:** 1 (25% of vector_f; put differently, 75% of vector_f is overlapping)

Items that are **unique to vector_f:**

> *w*

veccompare documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:29 a.m.