
Defines functions `rgl.renyiaccum`

`rgl.renyiaccum` <-
    function(x, rgl.height = 0.2,  ...)
    if (!inherits(x, "renyiaccum"))
        stop("'x' must be a 'renyiaccum' result object")
    y <- x[,,1] * rgl.height
    rgl.min = 0
    rgl.max = max(y)
    xp <- seq(0, 1, len = nrow(y))
    z <- seq(0, 1, len = ncol(y))
    ylim <- 1000 * range(y)
    ylen <- ylim[2] - ylim[1] + 1
    colorlut <- rainbow(ylen)
    col <- colorlut[1000*y-ylim[1]+1]
    ## bg3d(color = "white")
    surface3d(xp, y, z, color=col)
    y <- x[,,5] * rgl.height
    ##surface3d(xp,y,z,color="grey", alpha=0.3)
    surface3d(xp, y, z, color="black", front="lines", back="lines")
    y <- x[,,6] * rgl.height
    surface3d(xp, y, z, color="black", front="lines", back="lines")
    y <- x[,,6]*0 + rgl.min
    surface3d(xp, y, z, alpha=0)
    y <- x[,,6] * 0 + rgl.max
    surface3d(xp, y, z, alpha=0)
    labs <- pretty(c(rgl.min, range(x)))
    bbox3d(color="#333377", emission="#333377", specular="#3333FF", shininess=5, alpha=0.8,
             zlen=0, xlen=0, yat = rgl.height*labs, ylab=labs) 
    text3d(0, rgl.min, 0.5, "Scale", col = "darkblue")
    text3d(0.5, rgl.min, 0, "Sites", col="darkblue")

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vegan3d documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:49 a.m.