
Defines functions vw_shiny_run vw_shiny_set_data vw_shiny_set_signal

Documented in vw_shiny_run vw_shiny_set_data vw_shiny_set_signal

#' Set information in a Vega chart from Shiny
#' There are two ways to change a Vega chart: by setting
#' a *signal* or by setting a *dataset*; you can also
#' direct a Vega chart to re-run itself. Any signal or
#' dataset you set must first be defined and **named** in the vegaspec.
#' These functions are called from within
#' a Shiny `server()` function, where they act like
#' [shiny::observe()] or [shiny::observeEvent()].
#' To see these functions in action, you can run a shiny-demo:
#' - `vw_shiny_set_signal()`: call `vw_shiny_demo("signal-set-get")`
#' - `vw_shiny_set_data()`: call `vw_shiny_demo("data-set-get")`
#' - `vw_shiny_run()`: call `vw_shiny_demo("data-set-swap-run")`
#' For the signal and data setters, in addition to the chart `outputId`,
#' you will need to provide:
#' - the `name` of the signal or dataset you wish to keep updated
#' - the `value` to which you want to set the signal or dataset;
#'   this should be a reactive expression like `input$slider` or `rct_dataset()`
#' - whether or not you want to `run` the Vega view again immediately
#'   after setting this value
#' If you do not set `run = TRUE` in the setter-function,
#' you can use the `vw_shiny_run()` function to control when
#' the chart re-runs. One possibility is to set its `value` to a reactive
#' expression that refers to, for example, a [shiny::actionButton()].
#' @param outputId `character`, shiny `outputId` for the vegawidget
#' @param name `character`, name of the signal or dataset being set,
#'   as defined in the vegaspec
#' @param value reactive expression, e.g. `input$slider` or `dataset()`,
#'   that returns the value to which to set the signal or dataset
# @param use_cache `logical`, for setting data, indicates to
#   to send Vega only the *changes* in the dataset, rather
#   than making a hard reset of the dataset
#' @param run `logical` indicates if the chart is to be run immediately
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to [shiny::observeEvent()]
#' @return [shiny::observeEvent()] function that responds to changes in the
#'   reactive-expression `value`
#' @name shiny-setters
#' @export
vw_shiny_set_signal <- function(outputId, name, value, run = TRUE, ...) {


  # captures (but does not evaluate) the reactive expression
  value <- rlang::enquo(value)

    eventExpr = rlang::eval_tidy(value),
    handlerExpr = {
      # evaluate the (reactive) expression
      value <- rlang::eval_tidy(value)
      # call the view API to set the signal value, then (possibly) run
        fn = "signal",
        params = list(name, value),
        run = run


#' @rdname shiny-setters
#' @export
vw_shiny_set_data <- function(outputId, name, value, run = TRUE, ...) {


  # until we sort things out with Vega, cacheing will not work
  use_cache <- FALSE

  # if we are caching the data, we need dplyr
  if (use_cache) {

  # captures (but does not evaluate) the reactive expression
  value <- rlang::enquo(value)

  data_old <- data.frame()

    eventExpr = rlang::eval_tidy(value),
    handlerExpr = {

      # evaluate the (reactive) expression
      data <- rlang::eval_tidy(value)
      names_data <- names(data)

      # create the change-set only if we are cacheing and the names are the same
      use_changeset <- FALSE
      create_changeset <- use_cache && identical(names_data, names(data_old))
      if (create_changeset) {
        # create change-set
        data_insert <- dplyr::anti_join(data, data_old, by = names_data)
        data_remove <- dplyr::anti_join(data_old, data, by = names_data)

        # use the change-set if it is more-efficient than a reset
        use_changeset <- (nrow(data_insert) + nrow(data_remove) < nrow(data))

      # if we are not using the changeset, make a reset
      if (!use_changeset) {
        data_insert <- data
        data_remove <- NULL

      if (use_cache) {
        # keep a copy of the data in the enclosing environment
        data_old <<- data

      # print(data_insert)
      # print(data_remove)

      # call the view API to invoke the changeset, then (possibly) run
      vw_shiny_msg_changeData(outputId, name, data_insert, data_remove, run)


#' @rdname shiny-setters
#' @export
vw_shiny_run <- function(outputId, value, ...) {


  # captures (but does not evaluate) the reactive expression
  value <- rlang::enquo(value)

    eventExpr = rlang::eval_tidy(value),
    handlerExpr = {
      # call the view API to run

Try the vegawidget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

vegawidget documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:17 p.m.