Man pages for vegdata
Access Vegetation Databases and Treat Taxonomy

childSearch taxonomic reference lists including concept synonomy...
comb.speciesCombine species in vegetation matrix
cwmIndicate site conditions with community weighted mean values...
db_downloadDownload taxonomic databases
db_pathdatabase path
elbaueThis is an example vegetation dataset to be included in...
lc.0Layer combinations
lc.1Layer combinations
lc.allLayer combinations
parent#' Parents of a taxon
parse.taxaParse taxon strings into genus part and epitheta
pipePipe operator
recode.speciesRecode species names, lettercodes or ID's
sql_collectQuery and get data back into a data.frame
src_vegdatasrc - dplyr src objects
synSearch synonyms of a taxon
syntabSyntaxonomic frequency tables
taxSearch taxonomic reference lists including concept synonomy...
taxlevelsTaxonomic hierarchy levels
taxname.abbrStandardisation of taxonomic names, especially taxon rank...
taxname.removeAuthorsRemove name authors from taxon names
taxname.simplSimplify name parts for better string matching
taxvalHandling of taxonomy in vegetation data.
TCS.replaceStandardise taxon list field names to match the Taxonomic...
tv.bibCheck bibliographic references from Turboveg codes
tv.coverpercCover code translation
tv.dbRead list of available Turboveg2 databases in given Turboveg...
tv.homeWhere is your Turboveg 2 installation path?
tv.metadataShow metainfo of vegetation database or ecodbase
tv.obsDataframe of plot-species observations directly from Turboveg
tv.readXMLReads a Turboveg XML file
tv.reflTaxon reference list to be used
TV.replaceRename data.frame columns to match Turboveg 2 conventions
tv.siteLoad site data from Turboveg Database
tv.traitsLoad species traits from Turboveg reference list
tv.vegTabulates vegetation tables from Turboveg database
tv.writeWrite species-plot observations and site information to...
vegdata-packageFunctions to access data from vegetation databases and...
vegdata documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:19 a.m.