vegdata-package: vegdata

vegdata-packageR Documentation



Functions to access data from vegetation databases and evaluate taxon names.


This package provides a set of functions to load data from vegetation databases (at present Turboveg and Taxa can be (semi-)automatically be checked and adapted depending the scientific question. For this a hierachical taxonomic reference list is needed.

Taxonomic harmonization

Use tv.veg to prepare data directly for further analyses. Set option ßlink{taxval} to TRUE, if your database is referenced with GermanSL or equivalent taxonomic reference list and you want to realize taxonomic checks and adaptations. For more details see vignette('vegdata').


Florian Jansen


Jansen, F., Dengler, J (2011) Plant names in vegetation databases - a neglected source of bias, Journal of vegetation science, 21(6), 1179-1186. @url

Jansen, Florian and Dengler, Juergen (2008) GermanSL - eine universelle taxonomische Referenzliste fuer Vegetationsdatenbanken, Tuexenia, 28, 239-253.

vegdata documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:39 a.m.