Package venn

This package produces Venn diagrams for up to seven sets, using any Boolean union of set intersections.


Install the stable version from CRAN:



A simple Venn diagram with 3 sets


With a vector of counts: 1 for "000", 2 for "001" etc.

venn(3, counts = 1:8)

Display the first whole set


Same with

venn("A", snames = "A, B, C")

An equivalent command, from the union of all intersections

venn("100 + 110 + 101 + 111")

Same with

venn("A~B~C + AB~C + A~BC + ABC")

Adding the labels for the intersections

venn("1--", ilabels = TRUE)

Using different parameters for the borders

venn(4, lty = 5, col = "navyblue")

Using ellipses

venn(4, lty = 5, col = "navyblue", ellipse = TRUE)

A 5 sets Venn diagram


A 5 sets Venn diagram using ellipses

venn(5, ellipse = TRUE)

A 5 sets Venn diagram with intersection labels

venn(5, ilabels = TRUE)

And a predefined color style

venn(5, ilabels = TRUE, zcolor = "style")

A union of two sets

venn("1---- + ----1")

Same with

venn("A + E", snames = "A, B, C, D, E")

With different colors

venn("1---- , ----1", zcolor = "red, blue")

Same using SOP - sum of products notation

venn("A, E", snames = "A, B, C, D, E", zcolor = "red, blue")

Same colors for the borders

venn("1---- , ----1", zcolor = "red, blue", col = "red, blue")

A 6 sets diagram


Seven sets "Adelaide"


Artistic version

venn(c("1000000", "0100000", "0010000", "0001000",
       "0000100", "0000010", "0000001", "1111111"))

Without all borders

venn(c("1000000", "0100000", "0010000", "0001000",
       "0000100", "0000010", "0000001", "1111111"),
     borders = FALSE)

Using SOP - sum of products notation

venn("A + B~C", snames = "A, B, C, D")

The input can be a list

x <- list(First = 1:20, Second = 10:30, Third = sample(25:50, 15))
venn(x, ilabels = "counts")

Or a dataframe

x <-, 150, replace = TRUE), ncol = 5))
venn(x, ilabels = "counts")

Using ggplot2 graphics

venn(x, ilabels = "counts", ggplot = TRUE)

Increasing the border size

venn(x, ilabels = "counts", ggplot = TRUE, size = 1.5)

With dashed lines

venn(x, ilabels = "counts", ggplot = TRUE, linetype = "dashed")

Venn diagrams for QCA objects


obj <- truthTable(CVF, "PROTEST", incl.cut = 0.85)


Custom labels for intersections

pCVF <- minimize(obj, include = "?")
venn(pCVF$solution[[1]], zcol = "#ffdd77, #bb2020, #1188cc")
cases <- paste(c("HungariansRom", "CatholicsNIreland", "AlbaniansFYROM",
                 "RussiansEstonia"), collapse = "\n")
coords <- unlist(getCentroid(getZones(pCVF$solution[[1]][2])))
text(coords[1], coords[2], labels = cases, cex = 0.85)

Try the venn package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

venn documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:18 a.m.