Man pages for vhcub
Virus-Host Codon Usage Co-Adaptation Analysis

CAI.valuesCodon Adaptation Index (CAI)
dinuc.baseStatistical dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation (base...
dinuc.codonStatistical dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation (codon...
dinuc.syncodonStatistical dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation...
ENc.GC3plotENc-GC3 scatterplot.
ENc.valuesEffective Number of Codons (ENc).
fasta.readRead fasta formate and convert it to data frame
GC.contentGC content
PR2.plotParity rule 2 (PR2) plot
RCDI.valuesRelative Codon Deoptimization Index (RCDI)
RSCU.valuesRelative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU)
SCUO.valuesSynonymous codon usage eorderliness (SCUO)
SiD.valueSimilarity Index (SiD)
vhcubvhcub: A package to analysis the co-adaptation of codon usage...
vhcub documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 5:10 p.m.