
# To XArray

#' Coerce into an \code{\link[via:SfcArray-class]{SfcArray}} or \code{\link[via:SfArray-class]{SfArray}} object
#' @param from Either a \code{\link[via:SfcArray-class]{SfcArray}}, \code{\link[via:SfArray-class]{SfArray}} or \code{\link[via:XArray-class]{XArray}}-class object
#' @rdname coercion
#' @return Either a \code{\link[via:SfcArray-class]{SfcArray}}, \code{\link[via:SfcArray-class]{SfArray}} or \code{\link[via:XArray-class]{XArray}}-class object
#' @export
setGeneric("as.XArray", function(from) standardGeneric("as.XArray"))

# demotions
#' @rdname coercion
setMethod(as.XArray, signature=c("SfcArray"), definition=function(from){

	# the processed version

## #' @rdname coercion
## #' @name as
## setAs(from="SfcArray", to="XArray", function(from){
## 	as.XArray(from)
## })

#' @rdname coercion
setMethod(as.XArray, signature=c("SfArray"), definition=function(from){

	# the processed version

## #' @rdname coercion
## #' @name as
## setAs(from="SfArray", to="XArray", function(from){
## 	as.XArray(from)
## })

# To SfcArray

#' @rdname coercion
#' @export
setGeneric("as.SfcArray", function(from) standardGeneric("as.SfcArray"))

#' @rdname coercion
setMethod(as.SfcArray, signature=c("XArray"), definition=function(from){
	# defend for the presence of sf
	if(!requireNamespace("sf", quietly=TRUE)){
		stop("This function requires the sf package.")

	# try the promotion

setAs(from="XArray", to="SfcArray", function(from){

#' @rdname coercion
setMethod(as.SfcArray, signature=c("SfArray"), definition=function(from){
	# defend for the presence of sf
	if(!requireNamespace("sf", quietly=TRUE)){
		stop("This function requires the sf package.")

	# take the stack
	theStack <- from@stack 

	# go through every element
	for(i in 1:length(theStack)){
		# the current element
		x <- theStack[[i]]
		theStack[[i]]<- x$geometry 

	# the processed version

## setAs(from="SfArray", to="SfcArray", function(from){
## 	as.SfcArray(from)
## })

# To SfArray

#' Coerce into an SfArray or SfcArray object
#' @rdname coercion
#' @export
setGeneric("as.SfArray", function(from) standardGeneric("as.SfArray"))

#' @rdname coercion
setMethod(as.SfArray, signature=c("XArray"), definition=function(from){
	# defend for the presence of sf
	if(!requireNamespace("sf", quietly=TRUE)){
		stop("This function requires the sf package.")

	# try the promotion

setAs(from="XArray", to="SfArray", function(from){

#' @rdname coercion
setMethod(as.SfArray, signature=c("SfcArray"), definition=function(from){

	# defend for the presence of sf
	if(!requireNamespace("sf", quietly=TRUE)){
		stop("This function requires the sf package.")

	# take the stack
	theStack <- from@stack 

	# go through every element
	for(i in 1:length(theStack)){
		# the current element
		x <- theStack[[i]]
		theStack[[i]]<- sf::st_sf(data.frame(a=1:length(x)), geom=x)

	# the processed version

#' @rdname coercion
#' @name as
setAs(from="SfcArray", to="SfArray", function(from){

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via documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:31 p.m.