
Defines functions evsivar_npreg evsivar

Documented in evsivar

##' Calculate the expected value of sample information for an estimation problem
##' Calculate the expected value of sample information for an estimation problem.  This computes the expected reduction in variance in some quantity of interest from a study of a certain design that informs the parameters of interest.
##' @param outputs a vector of values for the quantity of interest, sampled from the uncertainty distribution of this quantity that is induced by the uncertainty about the parameters.
##' @param method See \code{\link{evsi}}, only nonparametric regression methods are
##' currently supported in \code{\link{evsivar}}.
##' @return A data frame with a column \code{pars}, indicating the parameter(s), and a column \code{evsi}, giving the corresponding EVSI.  If there are EVSI estimates for multiple sample sizes, the sample size is returned in the column \code{n}. 
##' @inheritParams evsi
##' @references  
##' Jackson, C., Presanis, A., Conti, S., & De Angelis, D. (2019). Value of information:
##' Sensitivity analysis and research design in Bayesian evidence synthesis.
##' Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114(528), 1436-1449.
##' @export
evsivar <- function(outputs,
    inputs <- check_inputs(inputs, iname=deparse(substitute(inputs)))
    check_outputs_vector(outputs, inputs)
    if (is.null(method))
        method <- default_evsi_method()

    ## Take subset of full PSA sample 
    if (is.null(nsim)) nsim <- nrow(inputs)
    outputs <- outputs[1:nsim]
    inputs <- inputs[1:nsim,,drop=FALSE]

    datagen_fn <- form_datagen_fn(study, datagen_fn, inputs)
    if (method %in% npreg_methods) { 
        evsivar_npreg(outputs=outputs, inputs=inputs, 
                      datagen_fn=datagen_fn, pars=pars, n=n,
                      aux_pars = aux_pars, 
                      method=method, verbose=verbose, ...)
    else stop("Only the nonparametric regression methods are currently implemented")

evsivar_npreg <- function(outputs, inputs, datagen_fn, pars, n, method=NULL, verbose, aux_pars=NULL, ...){
    nn <- length(n)
    res <- vector(nn, mode="list")
    for (i in seq_along(n)){
        Tdata <- generate_data(inputs, datagen_fn, n[i], pars, aux_pars)
        evsi <-  evppivar_npreg(outputs=outputs, inputs=Tdata, pars=names(Tdata), 
                                method=method, verbose=verbose, ...)
        names(evsi)[names(evsi)=="evppi"] <- "evsi"
        res[[i]] <- cbind(n = n[i], evsi)
        rownames(res[[i]]) <- NULL
    do.call("rbind", res)

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