##' Chemotherapy cost-effectiveness model
##' An artificial health economic decision model with a typical Markov model structure, used for illustrating Value of Information methods.
##' Functions are provided to generate model parameters and evaluate the model, and samples from probabilistic analysis of the model are
##' provided as built-in datasets.
##' For more details, refer to Heath et al. (forthcoming book...)
##' @param p_side_effects_t1 Probability of side effects under treatment 1
##' @param p_side_effects_t2 Probability of side effects under treatment 2
##' @param logor_side_effects Log odds ratio of side effects for treatment 2 compared to 1
##' @param p_hospitalised_total Probability of hospitalisation in the year after receiving treatment
##' @param p_died Probability of death in the year after receiving treatment
##' @param lambda_home Recovery probability for someone treated at home
##' @param lambda_hosp Recovery probability for someone treated in hospital who does not die
##' @param c_home_care Cost of a yearly period under treatment at home
##' @param c_hospital Cost of hospital treatment
##' @param c_death Cost of death
##' @param u_recovery Utility of a period in the recovery state
##' @param u_home_care Utility of home care state
##' @param u_hospital Utility of hospital state
##' @param rate_longterm Long term mortality rate
##' @param n Number of samples to generate from the uncertainty distribution of the parameters in \code{chemo_pars_fn}.
##' @return
##' Two alternative functions are provided to evaluate the decision model for given parameters.
##' \code{chemo_model_nb} returns a vector with elements giving the net monetary benefit for standard of care
##' and novel treatment, respectively, at a willingness-to-pay of 20,000 pounds per QALY.
##' \code{chemo_model_cea} returns a matrix with:
##' * two rows, the first for expected costs and the second for expected effects (QALYs) over the fifty year time horizon, and
##' * two columns, the first for the "standard of care" decision option, and the second for the novel
##' treatment.
##' \code{chemo_model_lor_nb} and \code{chemo_model_lor_cea} are the same model, but parameterised in terms of
##' the probability of side effects for the standard of care \code{p_side_effects_t1} and the log odds ratio
##' of side effects between treatment groups \code{logor_side_effects}, rather than in terms of
##' \code{p_side_effects_t1} and \code{p_side_effects_t2}
##' \code{chemo_pars_fn} generates a sample from the uncertainty distribution of the parameters in the chemotherapy model . This returns a data frame with parameters matching the arguments of
##' \code{\link{chemo_model_nb}}, and the following additional derived parameters:
##' * `p_side_effects_t2`:
##' * `p_hospitalised_total`: probability of hospitalisation over the 50 year time horizon
##' * `p_died`: probability of death over the time horizon, given hospitalisation
##' * `lambda_home`: conditional probability that a patient recovers given they are not hospitalised
##' * `lambda_hosp`: conditional probability that a patient in hospital recovers given they do not die
##' @format Samples of 10000 from probabilistic analysis of this model are made available in the package, in the
##' following data objects:
##' \code{chemo_pars}: Sample from the distributions of the parameters, as a data frame with names as documented above.
##' \code{chemo_cea}: List with components `e` (sampled effects), `c` (sampled costs), and `k` (a set of five
##' equally-spaced willingess-to-pay values from 10000 to 50000 pounds). The effects and costs are data frames
##' with two columns, one for each decision option.
##' \code{chemo_nb}: Data frame with two columns, giving the net monetary benefit for each decision option,
##' at a willingness-to-pay of 20000 pounds.
##' \code{chemo_cea_501}: List with components `e` (sampled effects), `c` (sampled costs), and `k` (a set of 501
##' willlingess-to-pay values from 10000 to 50000) This is provided to facilitate illustrations of plots of
##' VoI measures against willingness-to-pay.
##' The following additional data objects are supplied:
##' \code{chemo_constants} includes various constants required by the code.
##' \code{chemo_evsi_or} is the result of an EVSI analysis to estimate the expected value of a two-arm trial, with a binary outcome, to estimate the log odds ratio of side effects. This object is a data frame with three columns, giving the sample size per arm (`n`), willingness-to-pay (`k`) and the corresponding EVSI (`evsi`).
##' @references Value of Information for Healthcare Decision Making
##' (CRC Press, eds. Heath, Kunst and Jackson: forthcoming)
##' @name chemo_model
##' @rdname chemo_model
##' @export
chemo_pars_fn <- function(n){
##' @rdname chemo_model
##' @export
chemo_model_nb <- function(p_side_effects_t1, p_side_effects_t2,
p_hospitalised_total, p_died,
lambda_home, lambda_hosp,
c_home_care, c_hospital, c_death,
u_recovery, u_home_care, u_hospital,
if (length(p_side_effects_t1) > 1)
stop("This function is not vectorised, and parameters should be supplied as scalars")
ce <- chemo_model_cea(p_side_effects_t1 = p_side_effects_t1,
p_side_effects_t2 = p_side_effects_t2,
p_hospitalised_total = p_hospitalised_total,
p_died = p_died,
lambda_home = lambda_home,
lambda_hosp = lambda_hosp,
c_home_care = c_home_care,
c_hospital = c_hospital,
c_death = c_death,
u_recovery = u_recovery,
u_home_care = u_home_care,
u_hospital = u_hospital,
rate_longterm = rate_longterm)
ce[1,]*20000 - ce[2,]
##' @rdname chemo_model
##' @export
chemo_model_cea <- function(p_side_effects_t1, p_side_effects_t2,
p_hospitalised_total, p_died,
lambda_home, lambda_hosp,
c_home_care, c_hospital, c_death,
u_recovery, u_home_care, u_hospital,
if (length(p_side_effects_t1) > 1)
stop("This function is not vectorised, and parameters should be supplied as scalars")
odds2 <- p_side_effects_t2 / (1 - p_side_effects_t2)
odds1 <- p_side_effects_t1 / (1 - p_side_effects_t1)
logor_side_effects <- log(odds2 / odds1)
ce <- calculate_costs_effects(p_side_effects_t1 = p_side_effects_t1,
p_hospitalised_total = p_hospitalised_total,
p_died = p_died,
lambda_home = lambda_home,
lambda_hosp = lambda_hosp,
c_home_care = c_home_care,
c_hospital = c_hospital,
c_death = c_death,
u_recovery = u_recovery,
u_home_care = u_home_care,
u_hospital = u_hospital,
logor_side_effects = logor_side_effects,
rate_longterm = rate_longterm)
##' @rdname chemo_model
##' @export
chemo_model_lor_nb <- function(p_side_effects_t1, logor_side_effects,
p_hospitalised_total, p_died,
lambda_home, lambda_hosp,
c_home_care, c_hospital, c_death,
u_recovery, u_home_care, u_hospital,
if (length(p_side_effects_t1) > 1)
stop("This function is not vectorised, and parameters should be supplied as scalars")
ce <- chemo_model_lor_cea(p_side_effects_t1 = p_side_effects_t1,
logor_side_effects = logor_side_effects,
p_hospitalised_total = p_hospitalised_total,
p_died = p_died,
lambda_home = lambda_home,
lambda_hosp = lambda_hosp,
c_home_care = c_home_care,
c_hospital = c_hospital,
c_death = c_death,
u_recovery = u_recovery,
u_home_care = u_home_care,
u_hospital = u_hospital,
rate_longterm = rate_longterm)
ce[1,]*20000 - ce[2,]
##' @rdname chemo_model
##' @export
chemo_model_lor_cea <- function(p_side_effects_t1, logor_side_effects,
p_hospitalised_total, p_died,
lambda_home, lambda_hosp,
c_home_care, c_hospital, c_death,
u_recovery, u_home_care, u_hospital,
if (length(p_side_effects_t1) > 1)
stop("This function is not vectorised, and parameters should be supplied as scalars")
odds1 <- p_side_effects_t1 / (1 - p_side_effects_t1)
odds2 <- odds1 * exp(logor_side_effects)
p_side_effects_t2 <- odds2 / (1 + odds2)
ce <- chemo_model_cea(p_side_effects_t1 = p_side_effects_t1,
p_side_effects_t2 = p_side_effects_t2,
p_hospitalised_total = p_hospitalised_total,
p_died = p_died,
lambda_home = lambda_home,
lambda_hosp = lambda_hosp,
c_home_care = c_home_care,
c_hospital = c_hospital,
c_death = c_death,
u_recovery = u_recovery,
u_home_care = u_home_care,
u_hospital = u_hospital,
rate_longterm = rate_longterm)
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