
Defines functions calculate_net_benefit calculate_costs_effects calculate_state_occupancy_markov_model generate_psa_parameters gammaPar lognPar betaPar

## Copied from
## https://github.com/convoigroup/Chemotherapy_Book/blob/main/03_R/02_model_functions.R
## https://github.com/convoigroup/Chemotherapy_Book/blob/main/03_R/02_misc_functions.R
## on 28/03/2023
## but with the constants sourced from a list chemo_constants, rather than global variables 
## This list is sourced and built in data_raw/chemo.R

#### Misc Functions for the Chemotherapy Model

## Function to transform values for mean and standard deviation into parameters 
## for a Beta distribution

betaPar <- function(m, s) {
  ## m:  Mean of the Beta distribution
  ## m: Standard deviation of the Beta distribution
  var <- s ^ 2
  alpha <- ((1 - m) / var - 1 / m) * m ^ 2
  beta <- alpha * (1 / m - 1)
    list(alpha = alpha, beta = beta)

## Function to transform values for mean and standard deviation into parameters 
## for a Log-Normal distribution

lognPar <- function(m,s) {
  ## m: Mean of Log-Normal distribution
  ## s: Standard deiviation of Log-Normal distribution
  var <- s^2
  meanlog <- log(m) - 0.5 * log(1 + var/m^2)
  varlog <- log(1 + (var/m^2))
  sdlog <- sqrt(varlog)
    list(meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)

## Function to transform values for mean and standard deviation into parameters 
## for a Gamma distribution

gammaPar <- function(m,s) {
  ## m: Mean of Log-Normal distribution
  ## s: Standard deiviation of Log-Normal distribution
  var <- s^2
  beta <- m / var
  alpha <- m * beta
    list(alpha = alpha, beta = beta)

#### Functions for the Chemotherapy Model

## Function to generate the PSA parameters

generate_psa_parameters <- function(n){

  with(voi::chemo_constants, { 
    ## Probability of side effects under treatment 1
    p_side_effects_t1 <- rbeta(n, 
                               1 + n_side_effects, 
                               1 + n_patients - n_side_effects)
    ## Log odds of side effects on treatment 2
    logor_side_effects <- rnorm(n, logor_side_effects_mu, logor_side_effects_sd)
    ## Odds of side effects on treatment 1
    odds_side_effects_t1 <- p_side_effects_t1 / (1 - p_side_effects_t1)
    ## Odds for side effects on treatment 2
    odds_side_effects_t2 <- odds_side_effects_t1 * exp(logor_side_effects)

    ## Probability of side effects under treatment 2
    p_side_effects_t2    <- odds_side_effects_t2 / (1 + odds_side_effects_t2)

#### Variables to define transition probabilities
    ## Probability that a patient is hospitalised over the time horizon
    p_hospitalised_total <- rbeta(n, 
                                  1 + n_hospitalised, 
                                  1 + n_side_effects - n_hospitalised)
    ## Probability that a patient dies over the time horizon given they were 
    ## hospitalised
    p_died <- rbeta(n, 1 + n_died, 1 + n_hospitalised - n_died)
    ## Lambda_home: Conditional probability that a patient recovers considering 
    ## that they are not hospitalised
    betapars <- betaPar(p_recovery_home_mu, p_recovery_home_sd)
    lambda_home <- rbeta(n, betapars$alpha, betapars$beta)
    ## Lambda_hosp: Conditional probability that a patient recovers considering 
    ## that they do not die
    betapars <- betaPar(p_recovery_hosp_mu, p_recovery_hosp_sd)
    lambda_hosp <- rbeta(n, betapars$alpha, betapars$beta)
    ## Health State Costs
    lnpars <- lognPar(c_home_care_mu, c_home_care_sd)
    c_home_care <- rlnorm(n, lnpars$meanlog, lnpars$sdlog)
    lnpars <- lognPar(c_hospital_mu, c_hospital_sd)
    c_hospital <- rlnorm(n, lnpars$meanlog, lnpars$sdlog)
    lnpars <- lognPar(c_death_mu, c_death_sd)
    c_death <- rlnorm(n, lnpars$meanlog, lnpars$sdlog)
    ## Health Utilities
    betapars <- betaPar(u_recovery_mu, u_recovery_sd)
    u_recovery <- rbeta(n, betapars$alpha, betapars$beta)
    betapars <- betaPar(u_home_care_mu, u_home_care_sd)
    u_home_care <- rbeta(n, betapars$alpha, betapars$beta)
    betapars <- betaPar(u_hospital_mu, u_hospital_sd)
    u_hospital <- rbeta(n, betapars$alpha, betapars$beta)
    ## Long term survival
    gammapars <- gammaPar(rate_longterm_mu, rate_longterm_sd)
    rate_longterm <- rgamma(n, shape = gammapars$alpha, rate = gammapars$beta)
    ## Specify a matrix containing all the parameters
    params_matrix <- data.frame(
      c_home_care, c_hospital, c_death,
      u_recovery, u_home_care, u_hospital,
      p_hospitalised_total, p_died,
      lambda_home, lambda_hosp, rate_longterm)

## Function to calculate average time each patient with adverse events spends
## in the health states of the Markov model
calculate_state_occupancy_markov_model <- function(
  p_home_home, p_home_hospital, p_home_recover,
  p_hospital_hospital, p_hospital_recover, p_hospital_dead,
  # All function arguments come from the generate_psa_parameters function except
  # time_horizon which is in chemo_constants
  ## Markov transition probability matrix 
  ## States: Home care, Hospital care, Recovery, Death
  MM.mat <- matrix(c(p_home_home, p_home_hospital, p_home_recover, 0,
                     0, p_hospital_hospital, p_hospital_recover, p_hospital_dead,
                     0, 0, 1 - p_longterm, p_longterm,
                     0, 0, 0, 1),
                   nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
  ## Number of patients in each state for each time point 
  ## 3 dimensions: number of states, number of time points, 
  ## number of treatment options
  time_horizon <- voi::chemo_constants$time_horizon
  trace <- array(0, dim = c(4, time_horizon + 1, 2)) 
  # Initialise with the predicted number of side effects in the population
  trace[1, 1, ] <- c(p_side_effects_t1, p_side_effects_t2)
  # Run the markove model over the time horizon
  for(i in 2:(time_horizon + 1)){   
    trace[, i, 1] <- trace[, i - 1, 1] %*% MM.mat 
    trace[, i, 2] <- trace[, i - 1, 2] %*% MM.mat
  return(trace) # 4*16*2 array

## Function to calculate the costs and effects from our model
calculate_costs_effects <- function(
  p_hospitalised_total, p_died,
  lambda_home, lambda_hosp,
  c_home_care, c_hospital, c_death,
  u_recovery, u_home_care, u_hospital,
  logor_side_effects, rate_longterm)

  with(voi::chemo_constants, { 
    ## Calculate p_side_effects_2 from odds ratio
    ## Odds of side effects on treatment 1
    odds_side_effects_t1 <- p_side_effects_t1 / (1 - p_side_effects_t1)
    ## Odds for side effects on treatment 2
    odds_side_effects_t2 <- odds_side_effects_t1 * exp(logor_side_effects)
    ## Probability of side effects under treatment 2
    p_side_effects_t2    <- odds_side_effects_t2 / (1 + odds_side_effects_t2)
    ## Transition Probabilities
    p_home_hospital <- 1 - (1 - p_hospitalised_total) ^ (1 / time_horizon)
    p_home_home <- (1 - lambda_home) * (1 - p_home_hospital)
    p_home_recover <- lambda_home * (1 - p_home_hospital)
    p_hospital_dead <- 1 - (1 - p_died) ^ (1 / time_horizon)
    p_hospital_hospital <- (1 - lambda_hosp) * (1 - p_hospital_dead)
    p_hospital_recover <- lambda_hosp * (1 - p_hospital_dead)
    p_longterm <- 1 - exp(-rate_longterm * 1/52)
    ## Calculate the trace matrix from the markov model function
    m_markov_trace <- calculate_state_occupancy_markov_model(
      p_home_home, p_home_hospital, p_home_recover,
      p_hospital_hospital, p_hospital_recover, p_hospital_dead,
    ## costs and effectiveness for four states
    c_state_vector <- c(c_home_care, c_hospital, 0, 0)
    u_state_vector <- c(u_home_care, u_hospital, u_recovery, 0)
    ## Estimate the cost of side effects from the Markov model
    c_side_effects <- array(NA, dim = 2)
    ## Average cost for both Soc and novel treatment per person
    ## (The cost includes one-off cost of death for all patients who died)
    c_side_effects[1] <- (sum(c_state_vector %*% m_markov_trace[, , 1]) + 
                          c_death * m_markov_trace[4, time_horizon + 1, 1]) / 52
    c_side_effects[2] <- (sum(c_state_vector %*% m_markov_trace[, , 2]) + 
                          c_death * m_markov_trace[4, time_horizon + 1, 2]) / 52
    c_drug <- c(c_treatment_1, c_treatment_2)
    c_longterm <- (1 - m_markov_trace[4, time_horizon + 1, ]) * 
      (pexp(time_horizon_longterm - 2, rate = rate_longterm)) * c_death
    c_overall <- c(c_drug + c_side_effects + c_longterm)
    ## Total QALY of side effects for both Soc and novel treatment
    u_side_effects <- array(NA, dim = 2)
    u_side_effects[1] <- sum(u_state_vector %*% m_markov_trace[,,1]) / 52
    u_side_effects[2] <- sum(u_state_vector %*% m_markov_trace[,,2]) / 52
    u_longterm <- (1 - m_markov_trace[4, time_horizon + 1, ]) *
      integrate(function(x){ (1 - pexp(x, rate = rate_longterm)) * u_home_care}, lower = 2, upper = time_horizon_longterm)$value
      ## QALY of total number of patients who do not experience adverse events for 15 days
      p_no_side_effects <- 1 - 
      u_no_side_effects <-  p_no_side_effects * u_recovery * (time_horizon + 1) / 52
      ## Average effect for both Soc and novel treatment per person
      u_overall <- c(u_side_effects + u_no_side_effects + u_longterm)
      names(c_overall) <- paste0("cost",seq_along(c_overall))
      names(u_overall) <- paste0("eff",seq_along(u_overall))
      output <- array(NA, dim = c(2, length(u_overall)),  # CJ FIXED 
                      dimnames = list(c("Effects", "Costs"),
                                      c("SoC", "Novel")  # CJ FIXED FROM UPSTREAM
      output[1, ] <- u_overall
      output[2, ] <- c_overall

## NOTE cost_effects is not the output from calculate_costs_effects which is 2 x ntreatments (for one simulation)
## but a 3D array of size nsim  x  2 (i.e. costs, effects)  x  ntreatments 
## wtp assumed to be scalar. 
calculate_net_benefit <- function(
      nb <- wtp * costs_effects[, 1, ] - 
        costs_effects[, 2, ]


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