vortexR: vortexR: an R package for Post Vortex Simulation Analysis

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vortexR facilitates Post Vortex Simulation Analysis (PVSA) by offering tools to collate multiple Vortex (v10) output files into one R object, generate plots and conduct basic analysis (e.g. pairwise comparisons of scenarios) and more advanced statistics such as fitting of a Generalised Linear Model (GLM) to investigate the main and the interaction effects of the variables of interest.


vortexR has a number of functions that are useful during the development of a Vortex project and for its analysis after completion. vortexR makes it easy to automatise the creation of plots and computation of basic statistics to inspect the effect of changes carried out in the Vortex project. Once the project development is completed, the same framework used in vortexR during the development of the project can be refined and extended to include more advanced statistical analyses or can be easily included in Markdown documents for the creation of reports (by converting them into pdf) or update web-pages.

The use of vortexR ensures reproducibility and standardises analytical approaches in population viability analysis.


Use help(package = 'vortexR') for a list of vortexR functions and their specific documentations.

A more detailed description of the package and functions can be opened with: vignette(package='vortexR', topic='User-guide').

More vignettes may be come available in the future. Use vignette(package='vortexR') to see all the available vignettes.


If you use vortexR, please cite: Pacioni, C., and Mayer, F. (2017). vortexR: an R package for post Vortex simulation analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Get in touch

Please, use https://github.com/carlopacioni/vortexR/issues to report any issues with vortexR. If unsure, or for feedback, contact me at: carlo.pacioni 'at' gmail.com.


Below there are listed a few publications that used vortexR.

Campbell et al. (2016). Assessing the economic benefits of starling detection and control to Western Australia. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 23, 81-99. DOI:10.1080/14486563.2015.1028486

Pacioni, C., Williams, M., Lacy RC, Spencer, P.B.S. and Wayne, A.F. (2017) Predators and genetic fitness: key threatening factors for the conservation of bettong species. Pacific Conservation Biology. DOI:10.1071/PC17002

vortexR documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:23 p.m.