Man pages for voxel
Mass-Univariate Voxelwise Analysis of Medical Imaging Data

anovagammVoxelComputes voxelwise analysis of variance (ANOVA) tables for a...
anovagamVoxelComputes voxelwise analysis of variance (ANOVA) tables for a...
anovalmerVoxelComputes voxelwise analysis of variance (ANOVA) tables for a...
anovalmVoxelComputes voxelwise analysis of variance (ANOVA) tables for a...
gamClusterRun a Generalized Additive Model on the mean intensity over a...
gammClusterRun a Generalized Additive Mixed Effects Model on the mean...
gammNIfTIWrapper to run a Generalized Additive Mixed Effects model on...
gammVoxelRun a Generalized Additive Mixed Effects Model on all voxels...
gamNIfTIWrapper to run a Generalized Additive model on a NIfTI image...
gamRandomiseGenerate FSL Randomise call for a GAM Model
gamVoxelRun a Generalized Additive Model on all voxels of a NIfTI...
listFormulaCreate list of Formulas for each voxel
lmClusterRun a Linear Model on the mean intensity over a region of...
lmerClusterRun a Linear Mixed Effects Model on the mean intensity over a...
lmerNIfTIRun a Linear Mixed Effects Model on a NIfTI image and output...
lmerVoxelRun a Linear Mixed Effects Model on all voxels of a NIfTI...
lmNIfTIWrapper to run a model on a NIfTI image and output parametric...
lmVoxelRun a Linear Model on all voxels of a NIfTI image within a...
mergeNiftisMerge NIfTI Images across specified direction
parMapCreate parametric maps
plotGAMGAM plotting using ggplot2
plotGAMMGAMM plotting using ggplot2
rgamm4ParamRun a Generalized Additive Mixed Effects Model on all voxels...
rgamParamRun a Generalized Additive Model on all voxels of a NIfTI...
rlmerParamRun a Linear Mixed Effects Model on all voxels of a NIfTI...
rlmParamRun a Linear Model on all voxels of a NIfTI and return...
rparMapCreate parametric maps and residuals
ts2matrixTimeseries to Matrix
ts2meanClusterTimeseries to Mean Cluster
vgamm4ParamRun a Generalized Additive Mixed Effects Model on all voxels...
vgamParamRun a Generalized Additive Model on all voxels of a NIfTI...
vlmerParamRun a Linear Mixed Effects Model on all voxels of a NIfTI...
vlmParamRun a Linear Model on all voxels of a NIfTI image within a...
voxel documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:26 p.m.