color_spectro: Highlight spectrogram regions

View source: R/color_spectro.R

color_spectroR Documentation

Highlight spectrogram regions


color_spectro highlights spectrogram regions specified by users


  wl = 512,
  wn = "hanning",
  ovlp = 70,
  dB = "max0",
  collevels = NULL,
  selec.col = "red2",
  col.clm = NULL,
  base.col = "black",
  bg.col = "white",
  strength = 1,
  cexlab = 1,
  cexaxis = 1,
  tlab = "Time (s)",
  flab = "Frequency (kHz)",
  title = NULL,
  axisX = TRUE,
  axisY = TRUE,
  flim = NULL, = FALSE,
  X = NULL,
  fast.spec = FALSE,
  t.mar = NULL,
  f.mar = NULL,
  interactive = NULL,
  add = FALSE



A 'wave' object produced by readWave or similar functions.


A numeric vector of length 1 specifying the window length of the spectrogram. Default is 512.


Character vector of length 1 specifying window name. Default is "hanning". See function ftwindow for more options.


Numeric vector of length 1 specifying the percent overlap between two consecutive windows, as in spectro. Default is 70.


Character vector of length 1 controlling the amplitude weights as in spectro. Default is 'max0'.


Numeric. Levels used to partition amplitude range as in spectro. Default is NULL.


Character vector of length 1 specifying the color to be used to highlight selection. See 'col.clm' for specifying unique colors for each selection. Default is 'red2'. Ignored if '' and 'X' are provided.


Character vector of length 1 indicating the name of the column in 'X' that contains the color names for each selection. Ignored if X == NULL or interactive != NULL. Default is NULL.


Character vector of length 1 specifying the color of the background spectrogram. Default is 'black'.


Character vector of length 1 specifying the background color for both base and highlighted spectrograms. Default is 'white'.


Numeric vector of length 1 controlling the strength of the highlighting color (actually how many times it is repeated in the internal color palette). Must be a positive integer. Default is 1.


Numeric vector of length 1 specifying the relative size of axis labels. See spectro. Default is 1.


Numeric vector of length 1 specifying the relative size of axis. See spectro. Default is 1.


Character vector of length 1 specifying the label of the time axis.


Character vector of length 1 specifying the label of the frequency axis.


Logical argument to add a title to individual spectrograms. Default is TRUE.


Logical to control whether time axis is plotted. Default is TRUE.


Logical to control whether frequency axis is plotted. Default is TRUE.


A numeric vector of length 2 for the frequency limit (in kHz) of the spectrogram, as in spectro. Default is NULL.

Logical indicated if the 0 at the start of the time axis should be removed. Default is FALSE.


Optional. Data frame containing columns for start and end time of signals ('start' and 'end') and low and high frequency ('bottom.freq' and 'top.freq').


Logical. If TRUE then image function is used internally to create spectrograms, which substantially increases performance (much faster), although some options become unavailable, as collevels, and sc (amplitude scale). This option is indicated for signals with high background noise levels. Palette colors gray.1, gray.2, gray.3, topo.1 and rainbow.1 (which should be imported from the package monitoR) seem to work better with 'fast' spectrograms. Palette colors gray.1, gray.2, gray.3 offer decreasing darkness levels.


Numeric vector of length 1. Specifies the margins adjacent to the start and end points to be added when highlighting selection. Default is NULL.


Numeric vector of length 1. Specifies the margins adjacent to the low and high frequencies to be added when highlighting selection. Default is NULL.


Numeric. Allow user to interactively select the signals to be highlighted by clicking on the graphic device. Users must select the opposite corners of a square delimiting the spectrogram region to be highlighted. Controls the number of signals that users would be able to select (2 clicks per signal).


Logical. If TRUE new highlighting can be applied to the current plot (which means that the function with add = FALSE should be run first). Default is FALSE.


This function highlights regions of the spectrogram with different colors. The regions to be highlighted can be provided in a selection table (as the example data 'lbh_selec_table') or interactively ('interactive' argument).


A plot is produced in the graphic device.


Marcelo Araya-Salas ( and Grace Smith Vidaurre


Araya-Salas, M., & Smith-Vidaurre, G. (2017). warbleR: An R package to streamline analysis of animal acoustic signals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(2), 184-191.

See Also

track_freq_contour for creating spectrograms to visualize frequency measurements by spectro_analysis, snr_spectrograms for creating spectrograms to optimize noise margins used in sig2noise

Other spectrogram creators: freq_DTW(), multi_DTW(), phylo_spectro(), snr_spectrograms(), spectrograms(), track_freq_contour()


## Not run: 
data(list = c("Phae.long1", "lbh_selec_table"))
writeWave(Phae.long1, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long1.wav")) # save sound files

# subset selection table
st <- lbh_selec_table[lbh_selec_table$sound.files == "Phae.long1.wav", ]

# read wave file as an R object
sgnl <- tuneR::readWave(file.path(tempdir(), st$sound.files[1]))

# create color column
st$colors <- c("red2", "blue", "green")

# highlight selections
  wave = sgnl, wl = 300, ovlp = 90, flim = c(1, 8.6), collevels = seq(-40, 0, 5),
  dB = "B", X = st, col.clm = "colors", base.col = "skyblue", t.mar = 0.07, f.mar = 0.1,
  interactive = NULL

# interactive (selected manually: you have to select them by clicking on the spectrogram)
  wave = sgnl, wl = 300, ovlp = 90, flim = c(1, 8.6), collevels = seq(-40, 0, 5),
  dB = "B", col.clm = "colors", t.mar = 0.07, f.mar = 1, interactive = 2

## End(Not run)

warbleR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:13 p.m.