Man pages for weatherData
Get Weather Data from the Web

checkDataAvailabilityCheck if WeatherUnderground has Data for given station and...
checkDataAvailabilityForDateRangeQuick Check to see if WeatherUnderground has Weather Data for...
checkSummarizedDataAvailabilityQuick Check to see if WeatherUnderground has Summarized...
getCurrentTemperatureGet the latest recorded temperature for a location
getDailyMinMaxTempGet the daily minimum (maximum) temperatures for a given...
getDetailedWeatherGets weather data for a single date (All records)
getStationCodeGets the Weather Station code for a location (in the US)
getSummarizedWeatherGets daily summary weather data (One record per day)
getTemperatureForDateGetting Temperature data for a single date (or a range of...
getWeatherForDateGetting data for a range of dates
getWeatherForMultipleYearsFor Multiple Years, fetch the weather data for a station
getWeatherForYearGet weather data for one full year
IntlWxStationsData - International Weather Stations
London2013Data - Ambient Temperature for the City of London for all of...
Mumbai2013Data - Ambient Temperature for the City of Mumbai, India for...
NewYork2013Data - Ambient Temperature for New York City for all of 2013
SFO2012Data - Ambient Temperature for the City of San Francisco for...
SFO2013Data - Ambient Temperature for the City of San Francisco for...
SFO2013SummarizedData - Summarized Daily Temperature for the City of San...
showAvailableColumnsShows all the available Weather Data Columns
USAirportWeatherStationsData - US Weather Stations ID's
weatherData-packageGet Weather & Temperature data from the Web
weatherData documentation built on June 6, 2017, 1:02 a.m.