
Defines functions appshot.shiny.appobj appshot.character appshot

Documented in appshot appshot.character appshot.shiny.appobj

#' Take a screenshot of a Shiny app
#' \code{appshot} performs a \code{\link{webshot}} using two different methods
#' depending upon the object provided. If a 'character' is provided (pointing to
#' an app.R file or app directory) an isolated background R process is launched
#' to run the Shiny application. The current R process then captures the
#' \code{\link{webshot}}. When a Shiny application object is supplied to
#' \code{appshot}, it is reversed: the Shiny application runs in the current R
#' process and an isolated background R process is launched to capture a
#' \code{\link{webshot}}. The reason it is reversed in the second case has to do
#' with scoping: although it would be preferable to run the Shiny application in
#' a background process and call \code{webshot} from the current process, with
#' Shiny application objects, there are potential scoping errors when run this
#' way.
#' @inheritParams webshot
#' @param app A Shiny app object, or a string naming an app directory.
#' @param port Port that Shiny will listen on.
#' @param envvars A named character vector or named list of environment
#'   variables and values to set for the Shiny app's R process. These will be
#'   unset after the process exits. This can be used to pass configuration
#'   information to a Shiny app.
#' @param webshot_timeout The maximum number of seconds the phantom application
#'   is allowed to run before killing the process. If a delay argument is
#'   supplied (in \code{...}), the delay value is added to the timeout value.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass on to \code{\link{webshot}}.
#' @template webshot-return
#' @rdname appshot
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   appdir <- system.file("examples", "01_hello", package="shiny")
#'   # With a Shiny directory
#'   appshot(appdir, "01_hello.png")
#'   # With a Shiny App object
#'   shinyapp <- shiny::shinyAppDir(appdir)
#'   appshot(shinyapp, "01_hello_app.png")
#' }
#' @export
appshot <- function(app, file = "webshot.png", ...,
                    port = getOption("shiny.port"), envvars = NULL) {

#' @rdname appshot
#' @export
appshot.character <- function(
  file = "webshot.png", ...,
  port = getOption("shiny.port"),
  envvars = NULL
) {

  port <- available_port(port)
  url <- shiny_url(port)

  # Run app in background with envvars
  p <- r_background_process(
    function(...) {
    args = list(
      appDir = app,
      port = port,
      display.mode = "normal",
      launch.browser = FALSE
    envvars = envvars

    if (p$is_alive()) {
      if (p$is_alive()) {

  # Wait for app to start
  wait_until_server_exists(url, p)

  # Get screenshot
  fileout <- webshot(url, file = file, ...)


#' @rdname appshot
#' @export
appshot.shiny.appobj <- function(
  file = "webshot.png", ...,
  port = getOption("shiny.port"),
  envvars = NULL,
  webshot_timeout = 60
) {

  port <- available_port(port)
  url <- shiny_url(port)

  args <- list(
    url = url,
    file = file,
    timeout = webshot_app_timeout()
  p <- r_background_process(
    function(url, file, ..., timeout) {
      # Wait for app to start
      # Avoid ::: for internal function.
      wait <- utils::getFromNamespace("wait_until_server_exists", "webshot2")
      wait(url, timeout = timeout)
      webshot2::webshot(url = url, file = file, ...)
    envvars = envvars


  # add a delay to the webshot_timeout if it exists
  if (!is.null(args$delay)) {
    webshot_timeout <- webshot_timeout + args$delay
  start_time <- as.numeric(Sys.time())

  # Add a shiny app observer which checks every 200ms to see if the background r session is alive
    # check the r session rather than the file to avoid race cases or random issues
    if (p$is_alive()) {
      if ((as.numeric(Sys.time()) - start_time) <= webshot_timeout) {
        # try again later
      } else {
        # timeout has occured. close the app and R session
        message("webshot timed out")
    } else {
      # r_bg session has stopped, close the app

  # run the app
  shiny::runApp(app, port = port, display.mode = "normal", launch.browser = FALSE)

  # return webshot2::webshot file value
  invisible(p$get_result()) # safe to call as the r_bg must have ended

Try the webshot2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

webshot2 documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 1:05 a.m.