Man pages for weightTAPSPACK
Weight TAPS Data

attritTAPSFind attrition stats for TAPS waves
ddTAPS imputed demographics
hotdeckImpImpute data using hotdeck imputation method
multipleImpImpute data using multiple imputation method
pop.marginsPopulation margins
simpleWeightFind weights for survey data
subsetTAPSSubset TAPS data
TAPScumTAPS data
TAPSimputeddemographicsTAPS demographics data
variablesTAPSLists names of variables by wave
wavesTAPSFind population statistics for different waves
weightTAPSSubset TAPS data and find weights
weightTAPSoutputAn object outputted by weightTAPS function
weightTAPSPACK documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:18 a.m.