
#' Find words that fit the chosen parameters.
#' @description Uses regex constructed by \code{\link{model_to_regex}} to search
#'   words. By default the search is done among \code{\link{words.eng}}.\cr
#'   \code{find_word} returns a vector of found words, \code{find_word_l}
#'   returns a logical vector that can be used for subsetting.
#' @inheritParams model_to_regex
#' @param words vector of words to search within. By default is set to
#'   \code{\link{words.eng}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Search 4-letter words starting with "c".
#' find_word("c.{3}")
#' ## Disallow "a" and "b".
#' find_word("c.{3}", ban = "ab")
#' ## Allow only "a" and "b" to fill the gap.
#' find_word("c.{3}", allow = "ab")
#' ## Allow "a", "b", and "c", but then ban "c"
#' ## result is the same as in the previous example
#' find_word("c.{3}", allow = "abc", ban = "c")
#' ## Find no more than 4-letter words that have "th" bigram
#' library(magrittr)
#' find_word(".{0,4}") %>% find_word("*th*", words = .)
#' ## count words that start with "th"
#' sum(find_word_l("th*"))
#' length(find_word("th*"))
#' ## Find words that can be constructed of the "thing" word's letters.
#' find_word(allow = "thing", type = "scrabble")
#' ## Get at lest 4-letter words.
#' find_word(".{4,}", allow = "thing", type = "scrabble")
#' ## Find anagrams of the word "thing"
#' find_word(allow = "thing", type = "anagram")
#' @seealso \code{\link{scrabble}}, \code{\link{anagram}}
#' @export
find_word <- function(model = "*", allow = letters, ban = character(0),
                      type = "usual", words = wfindr::words.eng){
    grep(model_to_regex(model, allow, ban, type), words, value = T, perl = T)

#' @rdname find_word
#' @export
find_word_l <- function(model = "*", allow = letters, ban = character(0),
                        type = "usual", words = wfindr::words.eng){
    grepl(model_to_regex(model, allow, ban, type), words, perl = T)

#' Find words that can be constructed from the specified letters
#' @description \code{scrabble} finds words that can be constructed from the
#'   specified set of letters. \cr \code{anagram} finds words that are
#'   permutations of the specified set of letters. Usually this set of letters
#'   is a word itself.
#' @param allow characters allowed to use to construct words.
#' @inheritParams model_to_regex
#' @inheritParams find_word
#' @details \code{scrabble} and \code{anagram} are functions built on top of the
#'   \code{\link{find_word}} function with parameter \code{type} set to
#'   \code{"scrabble"} or \code{"anagram"} respectively and \code{allow}
#'   parameter moved to the first place to simplify usage (see the first
#'   example).
#' @seealso \code{\link{find_word}}
#' @examples
#' ## Find all words that can be constructed of the "thing" word's letters
#' scrabble("thing")
#' ## same as
#' find_word(allow = "thing", type = "s")
#' ## take at least 4-letter words
#' scrabble("thing", ".{4,}")
#' ## same as
#' find_word(".{4,}", "thing", type = "s")
#' ## Pick 8 random letters and find words that can be constructed of them.
#' library(magrittr)
#' sample(letters, 8, TRUE) %>% list(letters = ., words = scrabble(.))
#' ## Find anagrams of the word "thing"
#' anagram("thing")
#' @export
scrabble <- function(allow, model = "*", ban = character(0),
                     words = wfindr::words.eng){
    find_word(model = model, allow = allow, ban = ban, type = "scrabble",
              words = words)

#' @rdname scrabble
#' @export
anagram <- function(allow, model = "*", ban = character(0),
                    words = wfindr::words.eng){
    find_word(model = model, allow = allow, ban = ban, type = "anagram",
              words = words)

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wfindr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:20 p.m.