Updates 3.0.0

Updates 2.3.0

Updates 2.2.3

Options = Default value | Description ----------------------------------| ------------------------ windfarmGA.cT = 0.88 | Wind Turbine Thrust coefficient windfarmGA.air_rh = 1.225 | Air Density Value windfarmGA.k = 0.075 | Wake expansion coefficient. It is assumed to be 0.075 for onshore windfarms and 0.05 for offshore windfarms windfarmGA.max_angle = 20 | Maximum angle (in degrees) to search for potential influencing turbines windfarmGA.max_distance = 100000 | Maximum distance (in meters) to search for potential influencing turbines windfarmGA.max_population = 300 | Maximum amount of individuals per generation windfarmGA.max_selection = 100 | Maximum amount of selected individuals

Updates 2.2.2


Renaming Functions

Renaming Overview

Old names | New names --------------------- | --------------------- StartGA | init_population selection1 | selection crossover1 | crossover VekWinkelCalc | get_dist_angles calculateEn | calculate_energy getRects | get_grids BaroHoehe | barometric_height GridFilter | grid_area HexaTex | hexa_area InfluPoints | turbine_influences genAlgo | genetic_algorithm RandomSearch | random_search RandomSearchTurb | random_search_single RandomSearchPlot | plot_random_search leafPlot | plot_leaflet heatmapGA | plot_heatmap plotbeorwor | plot_development plotCloud | plot_cloud plotEvolution | plot_evolution plotfitnessevolution | plot_fitness_evolution plotparkfitness | plot_parkfitness plotResult | plot_result PlotWindfarmGA | plot_windfarmGA plotWindrose | plot_windrose

Bugfixes / Other Changes

Updates 2.2.1

Performance Tuning / Restructuring

Viewshed Analysis

Other Changes

Updates 1.2.1


The output of genAlgo or windfarmGA can be further randomized/optimized with the following functions: - RandomSearch - RandomSearchTurb

RandomSearch is used to randomize all turbines of the layout

RandomSearchTurb is used to randomize a single turbine

RandomSearchPlot is used to plot the output of those functions, comparing them with the original result.

load(file = system.file("extdata/resultrect.rda", package = "windfarmGA"))
load(file = system.file("extdata/polygon.rda", package = "windfarmGA"))
Res = RandomSearchTurb(result = resultrect, Polygon1 = polygon, n=10)
RandomSearchPlot(resultRS = Res, result = resultrect, Polygon1 = polygon, best=2)

Updates 1.2

Parallel Processing

## Runs the same optimization, but with parallel processing and 3 cores.
result_par <- genAlgo(Polygon1 = Polygon1, GridMethod ="h", n=12, Rotor=30,
                 fcrR=5,iteration=10, vdirspe =,crossPart1 = "EQU",
                 selstate="FIX",mutr=0.8, Proportionality = 1,
                 SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, topograp = FALSE,
                 elitism=TRUE, nelit = 7, trimForce = TRUE,
                 referenceHeight = 50,RotorHeight = 100,
                 Parallel = TRUE, numCluster = 3)
PlotWindfarmGA(result = result_par, GridMethod = "h", Polygon1 = Polygon1)

Updates 1.1

Optimization with Hexagonal Grid Cells

result_hex <- genAlgo(Polygon1 = Polygon1, GridMethod ="h", n=12, Rotor=30,
                  fcrR=5,iteration=10, vdirspe =,crossPart1 = "EQU",
                  selstate="FIX",mutr=0.8, Proportionality = 1,
                  SurfaceRoughness = 0.3, topograp = FALSE,
                  elitism=TRUE, nelit = 7, trimForce = TRUE,
                  referenceHeight = 50,RotorHeight = 100)
PlotWindfarmGA(result = result_hex, GridMethod = "h", Polygon1 = Polygon1)

Try the windfarmGA package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

windfarmGA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.