Man pages for wpa
Tools for Analysing and Visualising Viva Insights Data

afterhours_distDistribution of After-hours Collaboration Hours as a 100%...
afterhours_fizzDistribution of After-hours Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink...
afterhours_lineAfter-hours Collaboration Time Trend - Line Chart
afterhours_rankRank groups with high After-Hours Collaboration Hours
afterhours_summarySummary of After-Hours Collaboration Hours
afterhours_trendAfter-Hours Time Trend
anonymiseAnonymise a categorical variable by replacing values
calculate_IVCalculate Weight of Evidence (WOE) and Information Value (IV)...
camel_cleanConvert "CamelCase" to "Camel Case"
capacity_reportGenerate a Capacity report in HTML
check_inputsCheck whether a data frame contains all the required variable
check_queryCheck a query to ensure that it is suitable for analysis
coaching_reportGenerate a Coaching report in HTML
collaboration_areaCollaboration - Stacked Area Plot
collaboration_distDistribution of Collaboration Hours as a 100% stacked bar
collaboration_fizzDistribution of Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
collaboration_lineCollaboration Time Trend - Line Chart
collaboration_rankCollaboration Ranking
collaboration_reportGenerate a Collaboration Report in HTML
collaboration_sumCollaboration Summary
collaboration_trendCollaboration Time Trend
combine_signalsCombine signals from the Hourly Collaboration query
commaAdd comma separator for thousands
connectivity_reportGenerate a Connectivity report in HTML
copy_dfCopy a data frame to clipboard for pasting in Excel
create_barMean Bar Plot for any metric
create_bar_asisCreate a bar chart without aggregation for any metric
create_boxplotBox Plot for any metric
create_bubbleCreate a bubble plot with two selected Viva Insights metrics...
create_densityCreate a density plot for any metric
create_distHorizontal 100 percent stacked bar plot for any metric
create_dtCreate interactive tables in HTML with 'download' buttons.
create_fizzFizzy Drink / Jittered Scatter Plot for any metric
create_histCreate a histogram plot for any metric
create_incCreate an incidence analysis reflecting proportion of...
create_ITSAEstimate an effect of intervention on every Viva Insights...
create_IVCalculate Information Value for a selected outcome variable
create_lineTime Trend - Line Chart for any metric
create_line_asisCreate a line chart without aggregation for any metric
create_period_scatterPeriod comparison scatter plot for any two metrics
create_rankRank all groups across HR attributes on a selected Viva...
create_rank_combineCreate combination pairs of HR variables and run...
create_sankeyCreate a sankey chart from a two-column count table
create_scatterCreate a Scatter plot with two selected Viva Insights metrics...
create_stackedHorizontal stacked bar plot for any metric
create_trackingCreate a line chart that tracks metrics over time with a...
create_trendHeat mapped horizontal bar plot over time for any metric
cut_hourConvert a numeric variable for hours into categorical
dv_dataSample Standard Person Query dataset for Data Validation
email_distDistribution of Email Hours as a 100% stacked bar
email_fizzDistribution of Email Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
email_lineEmail Time Trend - Line Chart
email_rankEmail Hours Ranking
email_summaryEmail Summary
email_trendEmail Hours Time Trend
em_dataSample Hourly Collaboration data
exportExport 'wpa' outputs to CSV, clipboard, or save as images
external_distDistribution of External Collaboration Hours as a 100%...
external_fizzDistribution of External Collaboration Hours (Fizzy Drink...
external_lineExternal Collaboration Hours Time Trend - Line Chart
external_network_plotPlot External Network Breadth and Size as a scatter plot
external_rankRank groups with high External Collaboration Hours
external_sumExternal Collaboration Summary
extract_date_rangeExtract date period
extract_hrExtract HR attribute variables
flag_ch_ratioFlag unusual high collaboration hours to after-hours...
flag_em_ratioFlag Persons with unusually high Email Hours to Emails Sent...
flag_extremeWarn for extreme values by checking against a threshold
flag_outlooktimeFlag unusual outlook time settings for work day start and end...
flex_indexCompute a Flexibility Index based on the Hourly Collaboration...
g2g_dataSample Group-to-Group dataset
generate_reportGenerate HTML report with list inputs
generate_report2Generate HTML report based on existing RMarkdown documents
GetResidualsExtract Residuals from ARIMA, VAR, or any Simulated Fitted...
heat_coloursGenerate a vector of 'n' contiguous colours, as a...
hr_trendEmployee count over time
hrvar_countCreate a count of distinct people in a specified HR variable
hrvar_count_allCreate count of distinct fields and percentage of employees...
hrvar_trendTrack count of distinct people over time in a specified HR...
identify_churnIdentify employees who have churned from the dataset
identify_datefreqIdentify date frequency based on a series of dates
identify_holidayweeksIdentify Holiday Weeks based on outliers
identify_inactiveweeksIdentify Inactive Weeks
identify_nkwIdentify Non-Knowledge workers in a Person Query using...
identify_outlierIdentify metric outliers over a date interval
identify_privacythresholdIdentify groups under privacy threshold
identify_queryIdentify the query type of the passed data frame
identify_shiftsIdentify shifts based on outlook time settings for work day...
identify_shifts_wpIdentify shifts based on binary activity
identify_tenureTenure calculation based on different input dates, returns...
import_to_fstRead a Workplace Analytics query in '.csv' using and create a...
import_wpaImport a Workplace Analytics Query
internal_network_plotPlot Internal Network Breadth and Size as a scatter plot
is_date_formatIdentify whether string is a date format
IV_by_periodIdentify the WPA metrics that have the biggest change between...
IV_reportGenerate a Information Value HTML Report
jitter_metricsJitter metrics in a data frame
keymetrics_scanRun a summary of Key Metrics from the Standard Person Query...
keymetrics_scan_asisRun a summary of Key Metrics without aggregation
LjungBoxLjung and Box Portmanteau Test
map_IVCalculate Weight of Evidence (WOE) and Information Value (IV)...
maxminMax-Min Scaling Function
meeting_distDistribution of Meeting Hours as a 100% stacked bar
meeting_extractExtract top low-engagement meetings from the Meeting Query
meeting_fizzDistribution of Meeting Hours (Fizzy Drink plot)
meeting_lineMeeting Time Trend - Line Chart
meeting_qualityRun a meeting habits / meeting quality analysis
meeting_rankMeeting Hours Ranking
meeting_skimProduce a skim summary of meeting hours
meeting_summaryMeeting Summary
meeting_tm_reportGenerate a Meeting Text Mining report in HTML
meeting_trendMeeting Hours Time Trend
meetingtype_distDistribution of Meeting Types by number of Attendees and...
meetingtype_dist_caMeeting Type Distribution (Ways of Working Assessment Query)
meetingtype_dist_mtMeeting Type Distribution (Meeting Query)
meetingtype_summaryCreate a summary bar chart of the proportion of Meeting Hours...
mgrcoatt_distManager meeting coattendance distribution
mgrrel_matrixManager Relationship 2x2 Matrix
mt_dataSample Meeting Query dataset
network_describeUncover HR attributes which best represent a population for a...
network_g2gCreate a network plot with the group-to-group query
network_p2pPerform network analysis with the person-to-person query
network_summarySummarise node centrality statistics with an igraph object
one2one_distDistribution of Manager 1:1 Time as a 100% stacked bar
one2one_fizzDistribution of Manager 1:1 Time (Fizzy Drink plot)
one2one_freqFrequency of Manager 1:1 Meetings as bar or 100% stacked bar...
one2one_lineManager 1:1 Time Trend - Line Chart
one2one_rankManager 1:1 Time Ranking
one2one_sumManager 1:1 Time Summary
one2one_trendManager 1:1 Time Trend
p2p_data_simSimulate a person-to-person query using a Watts-Strogatz...
pad2Create the two-digit zero-padded format
pairwise_countPerform a pairwise count of words by id
period_changePlot the distribution of percentage change between periods of...
personas_hclustCreate hierarchical clusters of selected metrics using a...
pipePipe operator
plot_flex_indexPlot a Sample of Working Patterns using Flexibility Index...
plot_hourly_patInternal function for plotting the hourly activity patterns.
plot_WOEPlot WOE graphs with an IV object
p_testCalculate the p-value of the null hypothesis that two...
read_preambleRead preamble
remove_outliersRemove outliers from a person query across time
rgb2hexConvert rgb to HEX code
sq_dataSample Standard Person Query dataset
standardise_pqStandardise variable names to a Standard Person Query
subject_classifyCreate a new logical variable that classifies meetings by...
subject_scanCount top words in subject lines grouped by a custom...
subject_validateScan meeting subject and highlight items for review
subject_validate_reportGenerate Meeting Text Mining report in HTML for Common...
theme_wpaMain theme for 'wpa' visualisations
theme_wpa_basicBasic theme for 'wpa' visualisations
tm_cleanClean subject line text prior to analysis
tm_coocAnalyse word co-occurrence in subject lines and return a...
tm_freqPerform a Word or Ngram Frequency Analysis and return a...
tm_wordcloudGenerate a wordcloud with meeting subject lines
totals_bindRow-bind an identical data frame for computing grouped totals
totals_colFabricate a 'Total' HR variable
totals_reorderReorder a value to the top of the summary table
track_HR_changeSankey chart of organizational movement between HR attributes...
tstampGenerate a time stamp
us_to_spaceReplace underscore with space
validation_reportGenerate a Data Validation report in HTML
wellbeing_reportGenerate a Wellbeing Report in HTML
workloads_distDistribution of Work Week Span as a 100% stacked bar
workloads_fizzDistribution of Work Week Span (Fizzy Drink plot)
workloads_lineWorkloads Time Trend - Line Chart
workloads_rankRank all groups across HR attributes for Work Week Span
workloads_summaryWork Week Span Summary
workloads_trendWork Week Span Time Trend
workpatterns_areaCreate an area plot of emails and IMs by hour of the day
workpatterns_classifyClassify working pattern personas using a rule based...
workpatterns_classify_bwClassify working pattern week archetypes using a rule-based...
workpatterns_classify_pavClassify working pattern personas using a rule based...
workpatterns_hclustCreate a hierarchical clustering of email or IMs by hour of...
workpatterns_rankCreate a rank table of working patterns
workpatterns_reportGenerate a report on working patterns in HTML
wrapAdd a character at the start and end of a character string
wrap_textWrap text based on character threshold
wpa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:59 a.m.