subject_validate: Scan meeting subject and highlight items for review

View source: R/subject_validate.r

subject_validateR Documentation

Scan meeting subject and highlight items for review


This functions scans a meeting query and highlights meetings with subjects that include common exlusion terms. It is intended to be used by an analyst to validate raw data before conducting additional analysis. Returns a summary in the console by default. Additional option to return the underlying data with a flag of items for review.


subject_validate(data, return = "text")



A meeting query in the form of a data frame.


A string specifying what to return. Returns a message in the console by default, where 'text' is passed in return. When 'table' is passed, a summary table with common terms found is printed. When 'data' is passed, a the original data with an additional flag column is returned as a data frame.


Returns a message in the console by default, where 'text' is passed in return. When 'table' is passed, a summary table with common terms found is printed. When 'data' is passed, a the original data with an additional flag column is returned as a data frame.

See Also

Other Data Validation: check_query(), extract_hr(), flag_ch_ratio(), flag_em_ratio(), flag_extreme(), flag_outlooktime(), hr_trend(), hrvar_count(), hrvar_count_all(), hrvar_trend(), identify_churn(), identify_holidayweeks(), identify_inactiveweeks(), identify_nkw(), identify_outlier(), identify_privacythreshold(), identify_query(), identify_shifts(), identify_shifts_wp(), identify_tenure(), remove_outliers(), standardise_pq(), subject_validate_report(), track_HR_change(), validation_report()

Other Text-mining: meeting_tm_report(), pairwise_count(), subject_validate_report(), tm_clean(), tm_cooc(), tm_freq(), tm_wordcloud()

wpa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:59 a.m.