Man pages for wux
Wegener Center Climate Uncertainty Explorer

alpinesummerTimeseries example of CMIP5 data over Greater Alpine Region...
aovWuxMissing value reconstruction based on ANOVA
AverageWuxDataFrameWUX data frame averaging function
cmip3_2050Climate Change signals for CMIP3 ensemble
cmip3_2100Climate Change signals for CMIP3 ensemble
cmip5_2050Climate Change signals for CMIP5 ensemble
cmip5_2100Climate Change signals for CMIP5 ensemble
CMIP5_example_changesignalClimate change signals of example userinput for models2wux
CMIP5_example_timeseriesClimate change signals of example userinput for models2wux
CMIP5fromESGFDownloads CMIP5 climate simulations from the ESGF data portal
CMIP5toModelinputCreates a "modelinput" input file based on CMIP5 data on your...
ensemblesENSEMBLES dataset
ensembles_gcmsGCM forcing data from the ENSEMBLES project
hist.wux.dfPlots histograms and kernel density estimates
modelinput_testExample model specification file for models2wux
models2wuxProcessing climate model output
plotAnnualCyclePlots the annual cycle
plot.wux.aovBarplots of the ANOVA results
plot.wux.dfX - Y Scatterplot of climate change signals
read.wux.tableReads in wux data.frame from harddisk
reconstructMissing value reconstruction based on ANOVA
summary.wux.dfSummary of a WUX data.frame
userinput_CMIP5_changesignalExample userinput for models2wux
userinput_CMIP5_timeseriesExample userinput for models2wux
wux-packageWegener Center Climate Uncertainty Explorer
wux documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:03 p.m.