cat("# Style Panelset")

To customize the appearance of your panels, you can use style_panelset_tabs() called directly in an R chunk in your slides.

```r`r ''`
style_panelset_tabs(foreground = "honeydew", background = "seagreen")

The panelset uses opacity to soften the in-active tabs to increase the chances that the tabs will work with your slide theme. If you decide to change your tab colors or to use solid colored tabs, you'll likely want to set inactive_opacity = 1 in style_panelset() (or the corresponding --panel-tab-inactive-opacity CSS variable).

Behind the scenes, style_panelset_tabs() updates the values of custom CSS properties that define the panelset appearance. If you'd rather work with CSS, the default values of these properties are shown in the CSS code below. You can copy the whole CSS block to your slides and modify the values to customize the style to fit your presentation.

```{css echo=FALSE}`r ''`
.panelset {
   --panel-tab-foreground: currentColor;
   --panel-tab-background: unset;
   --panel-tab-active-foreground: currentColor;
   --panel-tab-active-background: unset;
   --panel-tab-active-border-color: currentColor;
   --panel-tab-hover-foreground: currentColor;
   --panel-tab-hover-background: unset;
   --panel-tab-hover-border-color: currentColor;
   --panel-tab-inactive-opacity: 0.5;
   --panel-tabs-border-bottom: #ddd;
   --panel-tab-font-family: Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, Liberation Mono, Lucida Console, monospace;

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xaringanExtra documentation built on July 16, 2022, 5:06 p.m.